paign for the rotogravure section of a metropolitan -dally, which is to be the group's principal benefit project this year. Meetings are being field on regular sehedule to check Up on progresç of the sales, the most re- cent of which was set for Tuesday afternoon at 1: 30 at the home of Mrs. Hubert A. Downey ini Evanston. Mrts. Downey heads one of thé sales committees and has invited members of other comnmittees, head- ed by Mrs. E. Mann Hartlett, Mrs. Gordon Canning, Mrs. Charles Bun- neli and Mrs. . Joseph> Corcoran, to meet with her group to discuss new a dvertising prospects and to outline a continued sales program. The campaign reeeived added im- petus recently with the retigrn of the géneraà co-cliirman, .Mrs. dore- Paddock, after an eauly-sunimer trip abroad with her husband and son. Taking over direction of the campaign from the assistants who have carried on in her absence, Mrs. Paddock called her comrmittee together for a recent conference at Mrs. HIenry Platt, Jr's., home i Evanston. Mrs. Rawleigh Warner came down from lier Lake Geneva Thisa morning (Thursdayj) ali of the committee chairmen in charge of Plans for the annual faahion show and tea under auapices of the Wlnnetka board of North-ý wvestern Universitu . aettlment. biouuaone..e At Sunset IAn ,Italian ,to by Moffett WeekDay innersip 75i e e e Luncheons 50C Fridey.: August 19, 1938 Luuudm»e. 5. C Crearn Sliced- .One Hait of Aj scenfeý - - - ---- -.& CE MA yU p . t. Honrs s est> slemanso armatch for. men, and the second Honrs s ~estsalsma sofarround of the club championshjp. were given to Mrs. besle Jones, who In the former event the draw for lias turned in more inches than ayprnri aeatrteteof other member. ayprnri aeatrteteof Tuesday will. be Guest day for women golf ers, and the following Thursday a family buffet dinner wili Directs Reyiews be given. -Saturday at the. bridge party, Mrs. * 16, and continuing un aoeceaive Washinton--- 'rday morinngs <t 1 ck on a tour 'o! the iLp to and ineluding October le. away for about Beverages Friday. August 19.1930 Frappe FruitJ Cream of Fresh Cc Chilled Tomate .luice Fruit Cocktail Topped Fried Fresh Boston Sole, Broiled Lake Superior White Chicken Chew Mein with Dean S Chestnuts, Fresh Mushroon aover ýst H weeks. ~sing 1 ruit Salad ,75c Juice