mnna. 0 Democratie '1 leadérohlp il j StudfrsSubwey Flous Joahua D'Eapoaito, 111 Lindàen. avenue, Wilmette, has been ap- pointed as a member af a corn- mittee of engineers ta atudy plans for a government-financed aub- way aystem for Chicago by Secre- tory of the Interior Harold L. Ickea, head of the Publie Worka administration. de Gueidre.Photo Monday at Wilmeute narbar. Twvo boats from each af the. star' fleets on the Great Lakes will race. ini the series'which will begm niàext Monday Morniing and which will. con- tinue until Friday. There wîll be 14 to 20 boats i this division. Technically, the Illinois Valley Yacht club of Pearia, last yeir's. titie holder, is hast club, *but the race was transierred ta Wilmette. because af better racing fadiIities. During next week's 'afternoons, be- ginning on Sunday and endmng on the following Saturday, Sheridan Shore club will have its own race week. Up for campetition are the Vaispar prizes and the Lockwaod Pirie tra- orrey aof the club would the Sheridan -e Correy was tar baat and r onie numer- ,e .delegations charge iude A. W. commodore; John T. ian af race week; W.' B. chairman for race week; , prize chairman; and ýes, race and regatta ta be three prizes for ,acing, and no boat, un- orgi , uner