mission. Ilowever, for the most part, the test was devoted to an exhaustive exammnation of a patrol- pan ' s knowledge of federal 'and state iaws and municipal ordinances, concluding with a question through Which the village offIciais may re- ceive expert suggestions and advice oh reguiating traffic and promotmng a campaign for greater safety., Mernt, SeultntFactors In addition to the examination the commission wiil take mnto considera- tion, according to its ruies and regu- lations, the ascertained mnert and seniority of service of each of the. members of. the department seeking promotion. The ruies and regulations of the WIg I... TmepIyo Dr. Davies Lazear and his: on, Bil, of 892 Oak street, Winw.et- ka, won a silver cup in a "'C" clasa boat race held at Dia morul lake, Mich., laat Sunday. The name of the boast Dr. Lazear slc:ppered tvas "Suuie Q," this' being the filvt race for tliis boat. compare wvith what these concerts offer in qiaiity of music or attnac- tiveness of environment. It isa burning shame that the committee is compeiled' to spend its time j worrying -over finances instead of being free to arrange speciai fea- j tures for the pleasure of the au- diences. -Lets al get- togetheir, square up.the ýaccèounts, and plan for future concerts." Déficit of $lM *The above remarks were in re- sponse to the information that the federal government pays nothlng except the salaries of the musicians. Ail other. expense, amountlng for the series to about $1,300, must Wilmette Recreation BILLIARDSý PEicEET AmPS Sooxm Tau.u fouxTAJW SEuviIc a cmCàAX SPECIAL iuer, <1 gene te Lwo weeks The the an ri h YOU Howad B won specil tion for the1 tival heil t william's Shave Cream . 39C Dr, West's Tooth Brush . 33c Liserne nts.pic 59C and ed. T HYDROX ce. Cr.am .....qf. I PACK(AGE New York c. Cr.am'> with Cherries.:. f22