of Wmnnetca, presicient; èesue ri. Cook of Evanston, vice-president; Herbert Gaetjens of Chicago, secre- tary; and Dewey A. Ericsson of Chicago, treasurer. Initiates of al- most'ail of the fraternity's 94 chap- ters are represented in the Chicago Alumni association. Seven, chapterS are represented by undergraduates residing on the North Shore: Duke wiiversity by John Vennema, Jr., Don Mitchell and Robert Brooks o! Winnetka and Fred Workmafl, Jr. of Kenilworth, University of Illinois by Herbert AI- len and Boyd Griswold o! Evanston; M. I. T. by Don Scarf o! Winnetka and Harry Saumders o! Evanston;. Plot. Catches Floues well-known senior at . New Trier High school and popular songstre8u. According . to- William Thybon'. general chairman, and Armen 1). Jorjorian, president," young people fromn every' suburb o! the North Shore are expected at the dance. Adv~ance sale of bids has indicated that a good turn-out o! dancers wil. be present. Robert Thybofiy and' Steve Brooks in charge of ticket pro- motion, are making arrangements> for a heavy sale o! bids at the door the evening o! the dance. Major. item on thé'program o! entertainment will be the referen- dum on "swng"-a test to, decide uhetheat or not the dance craze is ium- es o! MedIy le a aWalSt Secret Process Ham, eMSk for 12 minutes to te.pound and oev!les s theworld's Iaeutj tendereut ham -The b.am you cut wleh a foek" phot was takeft re-