DROMEDARY ORANGE JWICE,. .3 '2-z,25C PINEAPPLE JUICE. TREESWEff LIMON JUIC!..Q DROMMRY. ORANGE & y it Juuc...i- 46 O 3 /a.:: 25c 'l 21c - . sels PINEAPPLE JUICE POLK'S Gp.frult JUICE CANS 25 sheimer,' 935 SprtLce street, Win- A4etka, wn*tes bis parents that he has been having ail kinda of ex- periçrnce as a National Park ranger. He is'stationedý at Arch- ed Rock, Yosemi te National Park. California, and n'as on2e of President Roosevelt's escorts dur- ing the latter's recent vWst to the park, durinq whieh he, road along sUie the President. Mr. Sinsheimer was one of the crew which brought out of the. mountain the bodies of those who were killed in the air liner wreck in that section last March. Nje says they have as many as towns on thé Shore are already rep- resented in the forthcomiflg tourna- ment. Teamns entered In, the tourna-: ment m>Ust meet. the. requ irements of fast, bail pitching, using the, 12- inch bail. 3-ayFstival The Labor Day Carnival, wiil act- ually be a three-day event sponisor- ed by the Democratic organization on the North Shore. It will open Saturday, September 3 and continue through September 4 and 5 at .Wil- low road and Skokie boulevard.. Activities, wiil include a variety of games and contests and many other attractions, with dancing. in the evenings. E QTr. 3orLE 25-c KITCI4EN KLENZER 5eA S ANN PAGE "ANS. PALMOL SOi LIV 'i WAU * .41 . 4 . CANs 25c fE SPARKILE DESSERTS anud ICE CREAM POWDER 3.'K. ý10c erged from a hole in the 8owill ege, zor Lu ear by. Upon her returm Uiv esiy ofSoJu ýeghbor'u, where she went Uivs ltvand Mr. tance idispatchfig the have nd Mrhe U.rs. Ramsey found lphv etd the had disappeared, having spend the school y returned to its under- te west. Mr. and Goss and their de Sand wi vith hlm in *. HamryE. r, Jacquel- mue, ICenil- mesn house -J ;[or mlse. pro-, was