&'e&z.y À%cOrng te latter, the between CYO chapipons vs Glde JargeuÎt number Of PeoIe- ever Gloves. gathered together li the couitrY A girls softbaill am sl to be tOWns at an outdoor affair wlll be caUled between the Cleveland cham- 2Si Plresent- Mr. Walkowiak prophecles pions and the Parlshy Bloomer an atteridance of not legs thani 50,000 girls, a victory teamn of 1 1 xiols. judging from the reports given by Music, dancing, professional en- EH I the mnembers Of bis committe. from tertainers, and exhibitlonlsts wI]ll AH tOWns throughout the county. The give a varlety of entertainnment for Governor will broadcast bis speech ail ages. No charges wIR be made 1421 Serma. Ave. Eh at 5:30 o'clock.. On the samie pro- for any of the program events Or________________ 'f and S ROS WUGGAGE Si cest me 8c < w' j My