FUUVan5 nospitalin E1 Lanston [or several years. Widely publicized for its Use in connection with infan- tile paralysis,: the, "ion,,lung" h las a chance of savin life .wýherever pro- longed artificial respiration. is ini- dicated, ýas in cases of .,apparent drownifig, afier sème electrical ac- cidents, or when a patient has been poisoned by. somne drug which de- presses thé respiratory center of the brain. Commenting on us'e of the respira- tor in infantile paralysis, a mnewber of the hospital's medical 1 staff said, "Unfortunately, the, machine. will neyer be able to. save moÔ.re than .a few victims of the disèase, becaue dles and do it well, but we mnuet not expects too much of it." Gentie Proces Explaining the principle o! the "iron lung's" operation, the physic- iani continued. "It does its work i a very gentie way. While the pat- ient lies at ease on a comfortble matrese, the air within the chamb- er RIrrondring his bhntv bhAunes~ WIeb.J.',11gbSe9e Advlmery !Board. Our High School Board- girls fromn the Evanston High Schools will ho on ha nd every afie nOon frolà 1:'00 to :00 this éw-ek to model the ncw achool fashions and advise yon on what will ho, srnartest thii fait. on your own High School, camàpus., Meet Our floard: JOANNE COLLYER New TMer MAItTIA HALE RUTH SCHIEEL New Trier MAITHA BLACICUGIN .Evoigsfon JANE HUNTER Evanston CHAROTTEJOHNSON. Evommif.. ADULLE SUSONER DORIS HENR1CSIN Se.. SHIRLEY DICKER St. ScIàoIestIca JANE NELSON Seau th u air, is uîSChargeu rurn the lu Because this je so gentie, a1 sick person can live for mont! *years in a respirator and not be comfortable. " Instruet Entire Personnel One o! the attending physician the hospital will start this wee] )e un- rri ns at il 'w"- .s~.w - v r. -. q i~ '~> z!~ Fi*~ *Nt. f'r ChE4s~èt~ ,M