THE STRIKE beingý kout) eand with Luance It in, slncerely hoped that efforts nowl md brbung ta an end the strike (or loc of eliplOoeu of the. Chie-'go0, North Shore IMilmukee electrlc, Une -wil be crowned rsuceu, a.nd that right uom.. Its Contint ouly piles blgher and bighèr the money1 of both thme rod and the meni who lef t thetr i nrtest a<stest a. wage eut which the rec for the. roa4 contends lu absclutely neceus tb. lin is1h> remain i operation., What.ver the merits of lthe dispute, sentatlves of the road and th. unions an onswho. throuwh the medJufli of round -'td nt ?he rout shore vu the elty, il t f Likewise, the men, if it hé shown that the road lu unable ta maintain present wage scales,. should glve ffl consiçIeration ta an adjustrnent dowed witfl the divine talent of contributing something that, wilU add .ta, the comfort end plmeasreof the.whole world?..Whyshould. theý individualist be ucourged and scorned -because he shares. with. others a gWtt of vision and a talent for, invention possesed by -no one- otber, than: himself? "How IG Is, Too Bic?. r Jobs The Industrial News- Review asks the above ever question and then proceeds: ary if "Legislative attempts to limit, the size of businesse, especially those engaged ln lb.e repre- mercbandls ing field, bring ta the fore, a question ethe> simlar t 'Howfar lu up?' The new question 18 table how big lu too big? Iu the grocery store te be ement. kept by law' ta thée ross-roads emporium, size? loyees Is it number of eniployes or its. annual turn- over, a hé rdfly rstrice&ffAtf not, Just wha* voc.basis of computing size is ta hé used? North «"Soin. of the lawinakers Would destroy the fm.chain stores, on thé grounds that they -are ton comv- widespread, tao large and efficient, and do ton d day much business. If that is true, what is to be i idon. about departinent stores-smre of which, iein thougb they operate but a single outiet, do as ctlon, mueh business- as a chain witb bundreds of .,.stores and draw trade froin thé entire commun- ,teps, in ;of incuiviuuals. A far estion of size 15 found When a business be- [y it likewise. becornes and a smaller com- and takes its trade. veil as advantages in The President, say the papers, bas agreed to certain changes to make the labor relations law fuir. Look out, industry!, Testlying before the bouse commlttee onUn -_ American activities Saturday, Dr. J. B. Matthews,. a :former college prof essor. who had been en- gaged, until. he woke up, in organlzing con- munist units,- descrlbed a plot ta seize control of the Democratlc party and then the govern- ment. He, stated that he discontinued activities when he found commninsm in Rijssia ta be the bunk. 0f course his statements are belng denied, but so were those of the late Prof. W. A. Wirt, of Gary;- md., who, aroused the country a few years ago. Dr. Matthews descrlbed the present youth movement as communistic, and added that thlrty-five of Mtfy Amercan delegates ta the recent American Youth congreui had beeni sent ta pay attention ta smre of tbese people wbo are exposing the antics of cornmunsts. T'other-Way-'Round Corrigan has corne and gone. 'Several thousmiids witnessed bis takeoft, ail giving advice as ta directionh. Those yellow ribbons of steel you note along tht Nrt STwhore var ilent butcnsmtant wr.. anything ever known in this , country. Some commentary on 'an administration that six years ago was going'to put everybody ta, work ini a few weeks, don't you thin~k? Or did "we 'plan it that way"? Tm. PUATM paoPu=