ln the living room of the 0O. I BroId.rt home ti Evanaton last Saturday evenlng for. the wed- ding of MiaMargar«*tte Pg'û) Mmnçen, dausliter of Mr. and Un. M, L. Marxn of Evanston, and Wilfred Blades, son of Mr. sud Mm W. F%- Bladea*4 1 Cheoinut avenue, Wilmettei Offilating at th. ceremony was t1h. ev. George ,D. Anilson o! 1h. WlImette* Baptiat church, and pla~y- Mt g th. wedding- march was Mies Lorraine Tracy of Minneapolis, a' trlend <of th. bride, Foflowlng th. carmony a reeeption wam held. hat of peach maline trimmed in velvet bands matching the dress were. worn by Miss .Janet Me- Currach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .David McCurrach) Jr., of Evanstoni, when she was married ia s t, Saturday, afternoon, in Howes' Memorial. chapel on. the Garrett. campus in !»ansto n to Richard Massman, son of Mrs. Emnily- Massmnan of Winnetkaý. Larkspur, light blue delphinium and a few talisman roses. formed the bridai bouquet. The , mid of honor. ýMiss Helen of malmne matched her gown and she wore a corsage of Hlbbard roses. Wiflard Janes of Rocktord was the best m~an* and a brother of the bride, David McCurrach, III, served as usher. SMrs. McCurrach, rnother of the bride, chose a dress of ashes of roses crepe.. a white hat, and corsage of eh gla*41i, delphiniumi, and th.uusand glo4ioli. Suuwner flowers ini pastel shades of hyocrnth *e v.Uley. AnIllusion Vei lue and peack predontusated in the aettiisq arranged bejore the $tre- àde er eplace t.hevCthe eerenionV wtas Pevtornie& Mr. Stevenss adhia bride Marxen wore Mu. lace andUd li v. in Austin wJl#U theii retTII rom theïr wedding trip. 4* 1 &58iQn ftwffl ar Lowry andi Gottschalk Photo, ce of the fru riends by the A friend of 'n-lda -Q .f ton, played thE ding march. Foflowing a stead for the wE ie org, riles ana a few SRev. Aubrey S. fthe McCurrach arkhif !Evans- ýan and the wed- er at the Home-. g party and mem- * ,.i. ~ $ WILMSTTR LIPE 4 s .