SICRITiARIALI STINOGRAP1'IC and ACCOUNTING COURSES, l clUdInq .very detili o office pmctkge. NWTERM.SEPT. 6. Cidogie sent on'request idence nere nas obviously floL served to acquaint thém much wlth the details of administration o1, local affairs. Virtually al of "'Old Timers' " views, proceed from er- rors of- fact which they m.ight have, had corrected by a simple inquiry directed to any one of the f ive -members of the Park board, to.any attendant at the beach or .to a police officer. The writer is ýa com- parative newcomer, -but ,he had hardly been in the 'village six months before he. learnied* that the Wimette bathing beach isnot min- tained by -taxa tioni but solely by the fees of those who desire, to use the beach. From 'a re4ding of the rn'rt <of bhinmbeach admninis-, years it lias been the *policy of Wilrnette not ,to raise funds for beach maintenance by general tax- ation since less then onie- third of our.,people care to use the bathing beach'; that regulation: and super- vision, whîch "Old Timners"' them- selves concede to be Sncessary,> cannot be had, without. charge;, thât evey mniipaliy fromEvanston to Lake Forest mhakes a charge for bathing .beach privil eges';1 that the charge ,made' In Wilmette is one for. the use of ail the 'members of the family andl guests,' can hardly amount. to more than a few cents for each occasion,, andi barely.covers, the cost of operation, and main-: tenan<'e of enuipment; that, if> no atienaUanLLs A> 7KVVpJix LieaiI. ric- nickers in large numbers, more- over, could hardly be prevented frorn using the beach for 'bathing purposes. "Old Timers- also should know that it is unlawful to exelude from the beach those who are non-resi- My diagnosis of the irrita tion- of ~OdTimers- is. "misinformation- itis". WILMETTE NEW TI'MER. August 20. 1938. Miss Martha Robert of Columbus. ,Ohio, andi Miss Pauline Sprunger of Lima, Ohio. are ho useguests this week of Miss Margaret Daà,fs, 1215 V8 eujiuieqTorque-tiibe