The special mnusic for next Sunday niorning. as arranged, by Miss Marie Bgriel.,. organlsti-dlrector, willl be as fol-, lows: Orean (10):50): "Largo"9 I....mne "Andante* Cantabl le". ... iSymphony V)...... Tschalikowsky, Offertary Solo- Mr. Howard. Berhalter 0-rean Postude: "Allegro Maestoso" ...Mendelssohnv The third annual,]Rock River Conter- ence Summer Retreqt will b- held ai Colege Camp, Lake Geneva. tllip weP- end of Septernber 2. 3, 4, and 5, Mt,. Thornhurvr wilI speak at the Stinday eve- *nlng..serviice. The Woman's Guild is sponsoring ýa very interesting Book Review series for five successive Friday mornings. begin- nizng September 16. 'Tihe reviewers are Mrs. Lloyd Faxorn, Ami Blrk Kuper.' Dr. *Preston Bradley, Mrs. George 'Fowler. and Mrs. James Harvey. Anyohe In- trsëd f n âa -nÇfrg Wo ýdôs n'hôivT4e contact with a flivision wiil please caiI Mrs. B. L. Mitchell, Wlmette .122. for information or tickets. Mrp. J. il. Hopp Off ertorv-Berceuse .1.Delbruck Postlde-Mrch Triomphale Callaerts Victoria- McLeod-Mlnistry ofMuslc >Next Sunday rnnlng willi b. the la4t. Sunday for aour surnmer schednule of services.' Beginning September 4 w. will have Juat on. service af worshin at il o'clock. Tihe early servce wiil b. held next Sunday rnarnlng at 8:30 a'clock. Our summer sciiedule has been for the convience of those wlshlng ta wor-shin before their day's outi. You are al- wavs Welconie at the Winiette Lutheran church. Attend church regularly! Cliurch school.convencs every Sunday morning at 9:35 ô'clack. We invite yôu to learn with us ln our Church school. Theré will be a soecial Congregatian meeting followine the services of wor-- ship next Sunday mornlng. eveniwg To u aeepiaon, of uer. "Ways to World Peace, Security récent rMediterranean mrisje,. when and a Federation Of Nàtions. of the she vislted Palestine, and . espec- World," "The Power and Practicae laUy BRajfa and Acca, where the bility of Meditation and -Preyer,"e spen t: som e time. are subjects for study at thi.s ses. ________________ sion. Outstanding members of, the fac- Patronize Our Advertisers, WINTER WORRIES? NO SIR! COAL mCOUE BUILDING MATERIAL WILMUTTE COAIL & MATERIAL CO* 1301 Lake Ave. WlImette 42C August The. Rev. Char I1:00 a.m.-Main service llti Sunday a Tie order of service at 8:15 and Il 8 a.m.-Holy o'clock will include the foUlowing: il a.m.-Mor Preude-Pastoral..........Rhinberger Offertoky-Chorae,. lCrziich ,The w.ékly tut midi, verlangen . ........... Bach sumnier chair The Sermon -According to the ing lias beexn a Scriptures" .............i1 Cor. 15:3-4 nlng of this wE Postlude-Fantasy. in A Minar .... .Bach1 ,r and sermoni 1our combinoti people's meet- Thursday eve- tiiot t.upf the FalIy Appo tite When the family gets a -littie hard to satisfy, and begins to get inicky about what you Dring the pastor's vacation, pastora Yearling", is a Cekof Seaion, Dr. tfarold, S. 'Mndit, ltriitéB 1114 Laurel avenue. aeinth"s JVe are as yei