*,,Uf EARG4ALLWEATHER if vrni enioVy comfortable, safe driving- give china closet. 65 yrs. 0,14. i.au i T gtrud1 Central 3M4 betweèII 1-6 P. M. Ravelswood 5M2. SundaY ornlflg. 1'1LT.N1-tC HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND DISHES. 341 HAZEL AVENUE, Giencoe. 171LTN164ltP WALNUT DINETTE SET, eT-ENS!ION table, four chairs and buffet. $200 value. ike new, $50. Cail Glencoe 1563. 171LT1N16-ltp 3.PIECE MHG E D ROO F suite, double bed, sprlflg and mattress, dresser. chifferobe. Reasofabe. Glen- offers you a nia'çe& uN1iIE BOOUC, MAGAZINE$, lRIgeTURîes pAPER, RAGS; and pays h 5.4t Pcs Caul Wil. 542 or WI. 481. 14LTN1-t IWANTE D: GAS BURNER for furnace to heat a nile rtom lhome. AdesA11, Box 60, Wilmiette, lu., 174LTN16ltp. Use Tires Wanted WINNETKA 33U6FOR E$TIMATE. 174LTN154tp WILMmU U CE CO.ý CoImesos-ce C"»e mGv B" Rd. WL M new rubber of the Go)odyear (;'-35 AU- W eaiier undor you -a 'mental gQodbye to tire trouble. ALL WITIR LIFETINE çUA&ANTEZ I ...<u V 'A 1 I cEwfl~ LOANS 41/2% No Comis dsion- off: He f roui î juat take 174L16 wtSs 4490 ruga, A