WMM , BIlAIT - bul ddla o~s Àlprioot.1 16oz MMlA M BUAT- luulou. Uga-n' aime MYlAITBlAT- lot .qulul m umoe a So FUUIUa" 1 6 oz c. fins :tins- 25c 23cý :.. 9Ç those in, sympathy with the iown- send Recovery plan. Il 0. Martinson, assistant national repres<entative to the Tenth Con- gressional district of Ilinois of the, Townsend National Recovery Plan, lac., wiU address the meeting and outlime what course the organization will follow in the forthcoming fan election. expia ining in detail individual clubs can participate to the best advantage. Plan Entertalnmeflt There will be ashort, prograni of entertainmnent and refreshments. Admission is free, but a free-will offering will be taken to defray expnes. Maurice Seymour Sioegs et AnmphitImtre i16 rolis 27e lb. tin 1I9c 19c1 05 Chicago Avenue, a speaker of noté gathering. torcycle th, as a silver wedding an- phonyc r glit. "Vision way north Paul, Jr., stopped"Herodia on, Army lake, Wis., andSt the Sller the ,with