Heres Ornechamp. Who Came Uack mis$ Pll 1afthefei, I17, a senior nt Newv Trier «Hlgh gchol, 1is shown above at the Shiawnee Country club's pool. ., le4rfa-cy iv dlùln slciL carried lier to second place in the Central A. A. U. cliampionslips held recently., This year she lias gitven over 15 exhibitions at the pools 0fj golf club~s -in tlila vldîitý. Rie lias jut begun diting agai folLowing~ a year of sinus trouble, whicli did not permit her to continue lier divin g actlvitiea. Staff Photo .Miss Paulirie Noonan, -who has been spending the summer with her umcle and aunt, Mr. antd Mrs. Emil Nord, 2435 Birchwood lane, wil be returning to her homne near Des Moines, Iowa, about the ende of this month. Crack Golfers Will, Compete, what promij ing golf eve: out the nort The proce( go to ,the ' club, will and Dr. E of the Haq short resp An auctii for this oi hec for the past three weeks, 18 report- The Winnetka Lions club, which for many years ha. actively aided in the, support o! the school, is serv- ingi i coninnetion with the North, Visi mnatch, spendi f the caddy privilege Long ion will be made a ri1l be conducted by Mr. y of the North Shore and t] TREIPUBLIC I18CO CHUI&ca SERVICi viarr TEE EEA~1UO BOOM WCes1