osé roiS fe a Ih te Mmu e I fuv«lmk..ie*Wi e.. 0OUR ADVERTISERS mre oeganlz.d t. ueeithe vuriu huiman needs, Somietimes au, that Mie applicajzt, eeds la an jntroduC- Mtlo the proper médical clinic >or *eh I*gal AU lMeau, or'to b. told how and wboee t. apply for reliL O2kma, bwever, there are compli- cathins nd frequent conferenCew wifa h..apicat~bolli mu is home and -at lb. ofice are needdlu or4er to, gain bis confidence and to under- stand te . ificulties in wbich mnfy personalities are mnvolved. Take the example of a situation in whlch tibeela serlous nuadjuât. mwnt in a famaily due to con! liet hetween the parents. because of metiug uwt be done for Mi1e. His situation first camne à%e attention of the achoolnurse, fnstability and addlctioe t. alcohol. The cblI4 always délicate. and uow neeingspeialcare because of bis heart condition bas, becomne more ani more nervous as the unhappy conditions 'inthe borne ,become worse. 'fie mother, tboroughly sick of the carieofhe little few, is wvillin g to do anythlng to b. rid of hM, but the fatiier Inslsts on keep- ing hlm ami wlll 1 not cooperate in auy plan t. remove the child to happier and more wholesome -sur- roundings. 111-Advism. i sp*e Here 15 an Instance o! Ii-advised adoption wblch migbt have been npreu'ented il a complete social i- the placement of a n this borne ghould of thie fo thig, she, the Juveni hi natienct ents, the si for ai iatioz >d .1- UICI