Bo.efit Caud Party Tueaday,.. September 20, Mra. George Ludiig- 7526 North Da- men avenue, Chicago, formerly of Wilmette, is giving her <nnual card part y for her son, Robert, Ludtoig, S. J., (above) tvho is. studying in the Jesuit Minsions at Pàtna, India. T'he affair, a bridg- luncheon at the Evanston Country club at 12:30 o'clock, is open to ali Mrs. Ludwig'a frienda., The IRev. John Killan, S. J., wiV -give a t<iIk on some of the interesting' experiencès he had during the eighteen years lie spent in India. Handker- chiefs which-have been collected fromi ail over the world, some as far away as Iridia, will be exhibited and dis- J tributed as awàÈds. -'i. i "&,Sois