Nodi4h1e foriua Yr Sheidn ort hw which wifl hl'thet potdigM tand. prie ail attaetoeifo thusadsSanir- day md >SuadaY. The schedule eau$s fWrth*irt-IM vnswt morisgafternoon and, evemng -prog*iflS oni ëach f htwo dayL W aiïnmazim rdo p"ot'b~al- W', huMer oespetftioe i uafforded any. wber Uin tt sin 9Wthtrug at a hou. sow.To view 1hm.. quune bi.. bloodi - the*r ridm sin ac- was the color schemne for the wed- ding, August 31, of Miss Ruth. Adele MeDonald,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MeDonald of ]Flint,, Mich., and, Elbert Edgar Haight, Jr., ýson ýof Mrs. E. E., Haight of Manitowoc Wis9.. .for- mferly of Glencoe. A large white ýsatin kneeling pi-, low was placed before the altar -of St. Paul's Episcopal church i F lint where the ceremony toôk, place, white summirer. flowers bemng used for decoration t hrou gh o ut the church. Follow ing the wedding,.,a recptonwas held at the home. of prondsWilI go to tht Army o*d odmer atUe.. tiara of orange bloi veils in place, a si long one underneal] which was dotted w sonis. She carrieda denias and Miles of tI The maid of hon .Watts_ count Sevm , G The former Carolne Gertrude Baker, daughter of Dr. andl Mrs. Wg Rival- Ptr Eeinhardt's Howard B, Baker of Detroit, is the bride of Dr. DorLand J. Davis, son of eu, Col, 1, S, Matin's &'nny Dr. and Mrs. David J. Davis, 721 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette.Thi ~Raymond D)onuersberger's wedding took place at St. Paud's catheclral in Detroit on JulyI 15, anid was Kidd, Earl Brown's entrY. >and Mn. E. G. Riveri' Ny followed by a reception «t the Wardell hotel. The bride anid bride groom and Rex Willjne from Higb- are niow on a motor trip to the Wegt and to Mexico City, and when they InJk; return the mid4Le of Septem ber uil make their home in Baltimore. duzteutlnnt la ai- ,andaa edge of ge blos- Sof gar- s Betty !smaids, md Miss mxn, ana uiose of the a very delicate shel E, V. Chiristejisen of Manitowoc. brother-iln4aw of 'the bridegroomn, served as best man. The ushers were Gordon MeDonald of Flint and Donald Knapp of Sumatra, D. E. I. er, ana Mrs. WILMETTE LIFE