Deadihse for Inseril.na9 P.? le for WILWVU xi"Eor aul thr pape"n; * 9P. &for IVINUTKA I TAL&Ma TIt -h--y # P. IL for GLNNC0 NNW .phrs~oneu: Wfluette 430 Whask. 00 ( -aftoeO .ILGr.flt 8.. 3~or. es SITUATION WAnTSD...FMA le SWEDISH WOMAN WISMHESWORK. Experienled .laundress. Wilmnette 34 P4LTN17-ltp LAUNDRESS WisHSS TO TAKE waghings homne. Ml outSide drylng. Call and deliver. Tel. Wllmette 203.. es soir. & P-NAE RMALKU IÊ ti RESPONSIBLE COUPIt GIVING UP mai their home would take excellent care mer of house or apt. dwring owner's absence met for winter months. Ref. exchanged. WA Write A-126, Box 60, Wlmette, M. OLTNl-tp Mua Pa' 97 HELP WANTEDo-FEiMAL TO WOMEN- are Roo rado, u BOY 2Ô OR 2Z TO DRIVE work aroufld boUse and yard work. 8 to 5. Wages, pM we worth 5M4. 9 * room; convemit a.L AND Shore. Garage ayailble. Il VAGES. NIlcPLEASANT ROOM VOl ___or lady emloyed; near reasonable. P.WinnetkB OPOSI. h Shore LARGE FRONT 1001! iPPoint- tive priate homne. Eau >. Wil- transportation. Ph. Keulwc CN17-ltc :STATE CLEAN PLEASANT FRi se 1. suitable for 1 or 2. AMso a k, ~i a quiet famlly. Minmette 7Il6-2tc LAG R eaNfl able forone or two. 2 b St~yGarage -vailable. 5M3G t46 ELM S5 A-i girls. ............. girls........... naids............. ý Best N. TÎAKE DOWb At'1 Winnetkaq 799 -Oh1 wi .2tp67