Toast Crisp, freshly pacied, breakfast or Iuncheoit, toast., ready to heet or serve as it17c. fruit, So or when br >00fo dot ssrru ileti. N.2 19c fis C Commodore Vinegor qu17lc Fine ta have on hand to pop ftlie cool, ei4sé evenings end 8s. go0d whent If hapopped into, sào@W- white fiakes of ightness cos 29C Super- Colossal Ripe Olives A perfect__peçk of ipe.m!eaty Californlia -Contains 3 dozen deicious olives- Largo quert R ipe Olives Nantucket Coffee Freshly roasted, delic-atoly blendedi anti a mony oýf our households. Groundti t your, faste. 3 Ibs. 85c IL. favortte. in 29C CommodoreM-Wïyo A delicious1y smooth, creamy, fresh sali that is perfectly deflcious.. Mate With ve strictly fresh cggs, lemon juce., vinegar Makis any salad food fitf fr th* goda.l q r-t45C pn k- 't-W CULI RY HUARTS Whte, crisp 2b bu. and fender. 19C >Ped w FRUSH tIlTS Shred raw for seleds or cook and serve Harvard style. 3 bun. 14c IRIS ROAST OF B111F IAgedt beef that is rich in flever and dteliciously juiky. Small--lb. 37c Large-lb. the bi basket anci fuil of juice. basket 23c Fuit pods. Fer aulced flavor, cook If the fresh 2lb,..23c SWUT ~lbs. lES, SAUSAGE or meat, which.ver preference. Link-lb. I SEPTESM'BIER 22, 1938.ý IL pkg. 36c 32c