Msg.'s Tavern Sh.ik.UIâvdL b.lw.nWIIIow end Dad. Rds. Sr«cuI*vFr1., Su .m d sans S*. 3.24,,25 *IKsus RAvioLis WYich.ver TOM Prof or! aqlng Director Roy Steffelx. Plans for? s7gàI floor show and anl exten- sive, program of decoration are ail- ready under.-way. for the evenit. -his engagemnent will be -the flrst for Bernie Cummins ini the Wanut room and, because of the great pop- uiarity of this young maestro anld bis farnous' orchestra, it wll un- doubtedly be a most successfui one Featured with his orchestra will be the vocalizing. of Mis brother, Walter Cummins, and Mis charming yotang sister, Connie Barleau. This announcemnent on the, part of Managing Director Steffen cornes as aný expression of confidence in buiness trends and bears out: the ,,con xnonths. iree bdys and 1Gray, dancer. dait his BAR self. The film Men,"- a short with the cor Flanagan found y of bLitle hich deals Rt Father ,-five years 'cared for radio sa there -W*Mlmtlâ6l WÀIWUI