MatntrUnpet, $0. Wilmette 1417. PAiNTED SHELVING 2 suitable for book uhelîves. ý3 glass doom.,614X»". Wilmette 4M0. 173LTN2-itp DOUBLE BE» Man's suit, pants. topcoat, Lamb et. Sse' 49. Shoes Bize 8%l. Lady'. et. Excellent condition. Wlnnetka 3M8. -7 1'l3LTN20-ltp ORCHI TZILE WITH GREEN BASE for mial batbroom, $15. Hot water coal lau»dry stov., $5. *'Eleefrie jant. tor" with ail controls, $25. Majestic coal chute, $5. Winnetka 1075. 178L20-tp WOOD WORIKING TOOLS, HANfl ANI) POWER. ALSO RENflER. NovembeIl November Il tioven*.r 3 IREAL )EST4TI STu ÎJ Y, sizes 5o and 7. Pl coal furnaoe oz good working ordg i ig the work in Canada -,J li frequi men er to ,asked nei