State 'Public Welfare. Mrs. W.« F. Petersoni wiIt1 bc the luncheon speaker. Mrs. David J. Davis will be chair- man of the day, and Mrs. C. P. Evans, luncheon chairman. The sew- irig committee cofsists of the follow-, ing women: Mrs. Robert Hoffman.- Mrs. R. T. lfosking, Mrs. O. Kamp- meier, Mrs. C. A. Keller, Mr.s. M. H. McMillen, Mrs. Lowell D, Snorf, Mrs. J. AngusSteven,, and Mrs. Robý- ert toddard. Any woman in the corne to the sewing.1 12:30 oclock. v'illage is. wel- Luncheon is ai Mrs. Bryant fo Addiress Keinilworth.Wo men Voter The.Kenilworth League of Womeni Voters will m eet on Thursday, Octo- ber 13, at the Kenilworth Assembly hall. Mrs. William M. Bryant, presi- dent of the Cookc Counfty league, antd formnerly legisiation chairman o. te Illinois league and president of the Oak Park league, will give a pre-, election talk. MUeasures of importance before the public this year will be discussed. Mrs. . Bryant Nvi]I speak following, Mrs. 'Vernon Welsh wlll enter- tain the «Skokie Valley chapter, Dan ghters. of the American Rievo- lution. at her 'home, 1180 West- moor road, Winnetka for a. lunch- eon meeting. Monday,, Octaber 10, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs.~ William A. Durgin. and Mrs. G eo r e Morris are assitng her. DuraotSt.udio, luncheon which will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Those who cannot at- tend the luncheon are cordially urged to corne for the program. anoutlCe IMe re twrný m n. Peel /rom.flew Yor/ ýXa isew coé/ection M/1i-ga54on Openiny-4 p tZ E S 1N HME R MI1S S ES L AR GER SýIZES :IN s H O P AC ROS S HER DRAKCE MOTEL VE NU E AT OAK. $1REET 1M IC H t G A S HO0P C IA G 0 Sm A t L ER i - 1, 1 l 'iýw