f1loingif U1ltrary ceei. J'or n nem, book of. ber own creation is soon)I to corne from ber publisher. This latest volume, which is for chil- dren, is reported to be of an educai- tional as W'ell as of an entertaining nature. There will be some . two hundred pages, numerous pen and- * ink sketches, a' colored frontispiece. and a colored jacket. -But returning to- the suýject o f D. A. R., Mrs. Reeling. announces that the -first meetings of the history reading- groups will be held October 20 nd21,etthe home 'of the ýchap- ter's regent,. Mrs. Reid R. Brônsôn, 2047 ýOrringtofl. avenue, Evanston. The * north end group will mneet on Octo-, ber 20, and the south. end'group on the 21. Mrs. Edward He. Elwood of Chi- -i Evansfor, Drame Club Resumes on Wednesda'y 1,On Wednesday, October 12, at 1030 o'clock, the play readings of the Evanston Dramha club will be resumned. Miss Greta Gofe: chair- man of the education committee, will present Mrs.. Robert Heffner who will read ",Amphitryon 38," translated by, Mrs. S. H. Behrman. Mrs. Ilffnier.bas been -associated vWith. various activi- ties in amateur productions and wVas in- the, cast of Paul Green's '.The Last' of the Lowrîes,"* produced by the Carolina Playmakers at Chapel, Hill., Members will be admitted ýon presenitation. of théir, memhbership cards, and the public, will be a dmitted for a small fee. JOINS PRINCESS PAT IN PRESENTINO THE FIRST, AND ONLY LIP COLOR THAT SUMPLY CAN'T- COME OFF Steve ns in. Evanstont Evansin Evaston EDGAR A. STEVENS3 mc. EDGAR A. I x s .1 Evanston , EDGAR A.' EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. Evanston