iroff, Frances Farmer and Leif E.rik-, injttry was paintul. ne continued wait son. the remainder cf his scenes. Alfred E. Green, director. appoint-, ed Tamiroff to advise on the Russian 1 OS OA scefes in the production.. Mary Astor is the latest. Hollywood Richard Talmnadge, former serial1 star to, go vocal on the screen. She star, was placed in charge of a sec- will sing for the firstItime in ,"Listen, Ond unit, lending his. talent to Put- D Earling.' The occasion will be a ting realism.-in fight'scene. rollin,-,alonig-the-highway numnber, ToM Nicholson, penologist w a s to one in a trailer, with' Judy Garland.' 'act as advisor' in scenes la id at Frdde artholomnew\ and Scotty: Leavenworth prison.. Be-kett. LeRoyPrinz was placed in -charge! of ýRussian, dance number., f wi ONE-HANDED LUNCH there are several. .Mickey.Rooney ate.a one-handed Major Phillip Kieffer. United lunch at the Glendale location. where States *Army, resig ned, wNas placed scenes were being filmed for Metro- in charýge-of5-c.eI1s depicting opera- Goldwyn - Mayer's "Stablemates.'.7 t ions of a troop of. United States For one solid houir he signed a4to- cavalry. graphs with his rîght hand and ate. sandwiches out of his left. NEXT PICTURE Ft1lowii>g a bref vacation, Fran1, PREE1S THREE BLONDES Capra has resurned preparations for Hans Mangelsdorf. fafiôus scùlp- his next picture. His last comedy tor and designer visiting Victor Jory hi., 'You Can't Take It With You.- in Hollywood, declared he encou.nter- is currently breaking record,. cd three of the prettie*st blondes of ________________h is experience. on one film set. They MAKES DEBUT ,vere Sheila Bromley. Eve Arden and Lurna Gray, Pat-l Kelly's IeadiniglIrene Rhodes-all supporting Kay inth a haira,," I'rancis i 'Women in the Wind." lady in - mvoJ.ii-u-.e L makes her debut in. this, Columbia production. A strikingf brunetlte. she1 hiails from the eastern st agPe. 1ando1Ph Scott Joan Bennett fo Everyone, AItending ýThis Program Pictures that -YOU haýve selecte d wii be ruai one day each.1 IWinmette Theatire. 1120 CENTRAL AVENIUE-WLMTU 3902ý oct. 6-7-8 Plus -Lftle Guy" Dead End Kids Rpbert Wilcox Oct. 90-11-12 Oct. 13-14-15 Hardy"CO?4TEST PiCTUÉE- Mickey Rooney "uteMIs *Judy Garland - oawy Aiso--Mickey Mouse in color and Robert Shirley TëÏieV& Benchley Short George Murphy LOVE AT FIRS T SLIGHT Edward G. Robinson fell in 1, ith G~ldvs Lloyd. to whomà he. historical serial tne stio u'u r- e d this week. He plaYed the leadiing roIe in -Wild Bill Hickok- F111., SAT., OCT. 74 - - -- or- A James Cagney -lost- the first car lie ever bQught-a decrepit fliver- when he loaned il to a New York -friend- for a . date. The "date* uas in Oklahoma, 'MASTER 0F CEREMONIES Charles Starrett checked in, at, Columbia this week after journeying ta Colorado,. Texas, to be master of ceremonies at the annual frontier celebration and rodeo. TYI y k2 -la -ALICE FAYE- R'S RAGTIU Tremendous Qui% Contest HNus!> DON ~A ' EC IVIe In respone to nuater;u The Gary Co.j9 North Shore's "COUNT OF Thwse-t Robert Don The atre maueen, -'Sul0livan T H J E T R E showlugs