1 , a asso< F. D :The proposed discontinuance of Christmas and Thanksgiving ba skets is to be discussed at, this meeting. The executive board is anxious for anexpression. of opinion., on. this subjeet from the entire' association and, hopes that, the question will be brought before the churches. schools, and clubs of -the village. .by the association mernbers.. il was an- nounced. Seek- Discontinuance Frorn ,close -proximity ta ýthe probleni. the board feel§s that ýthé customn should, in sa far as possible, be discontinuied or modified.. The idea of giving Christmas, baskets was the answer to, a real need a few years ago when all charity was taken care of by individuals and private organiations.., With the presen.t peief pan in Wilinette, b às - kets are not a necessity. The modern policy of relief and -welfare agencies is ta give adequate- ly throughout the year according ta the individual need of the faniily and ta encourage the family ta make its (>wf plans in order to retain as much independance as possible. Large gifts of food ai holiday time rab the family of the need ta plan and increases depeiidenicy: Mok-4I e% «Ir .1*1l' *connected with the agency, the We'l-1 Walther Members to Attend City Meeting Members of St. John's Walther I.eague in Wilmette will attend a carn-' Vention of the Northern Illinois dis-. * trict of the league at the Stevens hotel i Chicago this weekend. * Besides the business session which' has been planned, a banquet wil: BOY BYTHTE BOX and SAVE MONEY. 4-Thread Stretch Top, 79C 3 Pair $2.25 3-Tfiread 3 Duro-Crepe, 89C Pair,$2.50 4 FALL SHOWING WHATEVER your heaft's desire in beautilut distinctive hosiery, it's here in Se-Lins . . . in the. very Iatest of fashions . . . and, in Ailtihe riotous new Fali shades! board for several years. She is survived by her husband, and by two daughters, Dorothy and Jean.; Interment.-Nill be at Memor- ial Park cernetety. *Naned after Emnpress SE-LING of CHINA, who dieoivere.d the ùse. of silk. Thte lndividual Les Lengihi