ýCLEANýING- OREPAIR>ING 24-Hqour Service on Request, l4m y WflJ 1 A 511Gre Bay Rd. No Branches FULLY INSURED outlined by Mrs. .Bennett, >,weO- known author and poet, for'criti- i cizîng and developing manuscript icleas.- Not only Seri bblers, but establish- ed 'writers' who like the stimulus of aà congenial grouip while working. on a. project., and even those who intend to be critical listeners as ideas and, technique are dis c ussed, I are 'among those already registered1 in the. thursday morning. group. Registr'ationwill beIlimlted so that the group may reinain informai and, each'member receive pers onal help,. Alin bier problems. t s thme 'FIRST CHOICE' Food for youthfivitolif y "Efficient dalv distribution Of -1n1i/k is the economie balanice uheel of agriculture.the. main- staY o! jarni cash inc.oie. Phone' Wilmeffe 1143 Celebrafe 5SOM Wedding Anniversary M r. anid Mrs. Philip L. Hillinger, 1520 Spencer avenue, Wilmette, resideiits of the comrnuinity for 25 years, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary oit Satitrday of laet week. A solernn high mass of thanks- giving was celebrated at St. Joseph*s church for the couple by their son. the Rev. Raymond P. Hillinger. member of the diocesan mission band. A dinner was served for thei'r friends and relatives in the St. IJoseph's school hall *fo1owing the mnass. The couple receîved their friends at a reception at . their home at. 5 Miller.' Wiirnette; Mrs. C. A. Maiy. Elmwvood Park; and Mrs. C. C. Wil- liamson, Kankakee; and three sons, the Rev. .Raymond Hillinger; W. A. Hillinger, Park Ridge; and P. L.. Hillinger. Jr., Wilmette. 'Mr. Hillinger is 73 years old and served for 47' years as an employee in the custon-s office. Mrs. HiH.in'ger is 70 years old. ICENTRAL-LAUREL. P. T.A. DANCING CLASSES The Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher association announces theopening of classes in BaIl Room Dancing under the direction of Mrs. Theron Mande-. Seventn GradIe 5 to 6 p.ni weekly Eighth Grade 7 to 8:30 p.rn fortnightly Four parties are planned for the year, the details of which are not is- yet complete. Dancing Committee Mrs. L. W. Shanesy On Suday mrnin, thetvasung taIk on the prevention of On Sna mrigth'classes tuberculosis. Dr. Hodges has plan- for a»l children will mneet at Il ned several hikes and trips to places lo*clock .in Foundation hall. of iriterest in the near future. "I I ýd ......... .........