were many district offcers cooper- ating with Mr. Hannen inrrmaking. history -of the district. Ail of the awvards earned by Scouts of Wil- mette at Camp. Ma-KXa-Ja-Wan this past sumnmer, were- presented at *this large Court, of Honor. The awards and recipients %vere as follows: TROOPI Seecond %C"ass: Jack, ledding. First Class: Don, Willing, Judson Bauer. Star: Judson Bauer, Don Davidson, Edward Osborne. 5-Year Ve-teraný Card: William Bart- lett. Mernt Badges: Judsbn Bauer-personial health. animalindustry, pathfindi.ng, bird study, handicraft; Don Davidson-handr. craf t, music, reading. personal health. pathfindifig, swimming; Curt, Brown- reading:. Edward Osborne-pathfindjng, personal health, public health. swim- in ing: Don W.Milling-handicraft. rROOP il Second class: Wallace Behnke. Eugeiie Hiall, John Palenske, Richard Rudd. First Class: -Gordon-Matson, Charles * Môrrison, Bill SFhmick, *flUj-Steitz. Lee Sies, Bob Willtims. Star: Fred. Buzan, Jack Fox. Life: Bill Faville, Bob Steitz. Bronze Palmn: Bob Maeser. Menit Badges: Loring Armstrong- cooking; Wally Behnke - neta craft: Harry Browne - safety; Fredt Buze-n=- first-aid. athletics. mietalcraft, rowing; Bill Faville-metalwork. personal health. iîfe-saving, public health, athletics. cook- ing; Jack Fox-personal health, cooking, pîoneering, leathercraft. public health. athietics: Malcolm Hill -..seam-anship: craft7' swimmning, cooking, persona] health, public health, camning, athieties, fle saving; Edward Weigle-canoeîng, carriping, pioneering, ýwoodedrving, lIeathéeraft, pathfiniding, signaling, cook. iing, rowing, safety, civices, George West- cott-pioneerlng,inietalcrafti ife-savrinL,: Bob Wianis-personal health, first-aid. mietalcraft. TROOP MI Menit Badges:. Lawrence BoIing-bird study, cooking;ý Billy Fanckboiner-atfi. letics, rowing. canioeing,. first-aid: John Hopp - cooking, piorteering; ..eXnneth Mann-cooking, bird study, pioneerlng; Robent Mann - persona] health: 'John Hopp-pioneing, cooking. Star:* TRQOP IV S ar'rthurý Cobrke, Kenneth Kinnean. Menit Badges: Arthur Cooke - met-ai- wonk, canoeing. swimming,: cooking, pen- ï sonal health:,,JÇennieth Kinnear-nersonaI health, public heaith-, Robert Tr-avis- scholarship;, Selden Vondenhoif -sin Ming, life-saving. Troop V First class: Don beno. Menit Badges: Fred ÇaU»pça-boa44., cÈaàft; Brad Phiflfs - athletics. metal- cnaft, public health, handicraft; Wayne Stoek-scholarship. Second TROOP VI Seodclass: Edward Keeler, Eddie Kolb. Star.: Andnew Mueller, Robert Starns. -Menit Badges: Kenneth Manley-first- aid. eioneering: Andrew Mueller-first- aid, pioneering; David Murphy-pîioneen* ing, athletics: Bob Starrs- persona] health, pathfinding, civics, public health. svinmingý athletics. SILENT OIL BURNER No Down Paymelnt There is stili timeto provide for the winter com- fort that hundreds of nortli shore home owners already enjoy with the remarkable *fficiency of the :SILENT SERVANT QIL BURNER. Sim-, plicity and interchangeability of ifs ail-standard parts keep your service costs to a minimum by Injured in Accident n'e, hiago, in the same car, sus- Julius Konradt, 24,. 3104 Irvingiç tained a sprain of the neck. . Both Park boulevard, Chicago, driving were taken to 'Evanston hospital by south on Green Bay road earlY Wed- Police, Officer William Schmidt. nesday evening of last. week, col- Both drivers were held on traffic lided at. Linden avenue with a, car violation charýges. HEATINO SERVICE, CO.'I 812 Oak Street Winnetka WiueI'ka 4000 PLUS -oitùl LkLR Instolled, for as i1t*1. as Igob