e Frederick IL Baird), 560 Sneridan roau, Win- netka, lu an 'extensive one-man show in the audi- J toriumn and lounge of the Winnetka Woman' 8 club. Invited te tea anda musicale,' alarge group of friends, artists and critiecs enjoyedt an afternoon devoted te both pamnting ýand muslc. 4 Mrs. Baird, now an artist, was be- fore her marriage Ruth Llewellyn, j lyric soprano and concert artist. A hittle over a year ago she moved. te Winnetka from Cincinnati, where * she studied painting. at the-C,,cIn- * nati Art àaademny with leading pu- * plis of the , iternationally' recog- nized Frank >Duveneck,and W'ith ýNicholai Cikovsky, the modertuat. Mer training aise includes work at the Cleveland School of Art, and, early instructionl as a child and young weman at the Chicago Art Institute. Both Cincinnati and Cleve- land have seen her work in van- ôus exhibitio~nh anatshow Evident lu the strong color and vibrant quality of many of the por- jtraits are the Duveneck and Cikov- sIcy influences; and in the charm- ing pencil sketches, the earlier and more conservative training she had with an artist from the Siade -school inLondon. In several nude sttidies and in a portrait entitled "Maria's Back," which won a first prize lu the -last spring show of the North Shore Art league, could be seen a Iocns," a picture iun ntural celer photégraPflY. Mns. Kern is exhibiting three photographs. One, entitled "Folds. lu Satin,'." lu o! her daughter, Janet, and the others are "Rellections" P nd, "Those .Eyes." Adding an innovation 'to its series of concerts, the Chicago Womnan's Symphony Orchestral association this week announced three pro- grams of lectures, te be given at the Woman's Athietie club on the Friday preceding ,each ot its three concerts. The lectures, by John Pal- mer, well known authority on music, mnusical history, and the livesof .great composer s, will be' presented ln the: ballroom of the. club. Each will- be .fellowed by luncheon. The flrst,:occaion occurs Fri- da, October,-2 1,.:at .il1o'clock,,,Pre-. ceding, the opening concert by. the Womnan's Symphony orchestra at -the Auditorium theatre ýon Tues- dayý evening, October 25. Trhese program lectures 'will be exclusively for the members of the. ..Woman's. Symphony Orchestra as- sociation and. their guests. Associ- ýtes nownumber over: two hupn- dred, according, to Mis. Roydenî J. Keith, presidént o! the. Wom- an's Symphony. The hôstess of the day on Octo- becr 21, at the 4rst prograpm lecture witl be Mrs, William F. Peterson, president of the Woman's Atbletic club. She Will beý,assisted by Mrs. Clifford D. Caldwell-, Mrs. RossJ. Beatty, Mrs: A. P. Callahan, Mr- George L. Cragg, 'Mrs. Marvin A. I Farr, Mrs. Fred Gerlach, Mrs. Leo M. Nicholson, and Mrs. Edwin Sims. The chairman of the serles is Mrs. Henry B. Vanzwoll. Highly decorative we3e the floral pictures,_mostly pastels, hung in the lounge where tea was poured by Mrs. Jeffrey Short and Mrs. Sidney Bartlett of Winnetka, Mrs. Ross Kidston of La Grange and Mrs. AI- bert E. Cross of Evanston. Assist- ing the hostess were .Mrs. Hobart P. Young and Mrs. Hill Blackett of In twýo ýMrs. open its sixty-third season, wiLHWan evening program and reception in Curtiss Hall-of tWe Fhî:2 .Arts bttild- ing on Monday, October 17. The Lyric ensemble of the club wil sing under the direction of Miss Helen Leefeldt, and Miss Margaret Farr will présent a group of piano, numbers. The guest artist is Rein- hold Schmnitt, bass, ýheard lu Wag- nerian roles ýwith the Chicago City LC my hobby, while art, for î ne, ffrat began te interestmne ten years ago." of the mrusic of C Ewen, and the hos costumne a group. rajuan Hars gram, a separate department of ing in' Artists' association,. meeting Oec songs. preceding' the, senior program. WILMETTE, LIFiE Sts' pru- Çhi cago 18 just,