and comfortable in "H.Otst Mrs. Clyde 0. Bedeilio! 552 Ridge road., Kenilworth, is, chair- man of the popular serîesof tee- tures by Clif ton Utley on current, aifairs given under. auspices of. the Evanston-North Shore Wells ColZege club on Weclnesday morn- inigs at 10:30 o'clocJc at the homne of Mrs. George ý,Pryden, 1314 Ridge avenue, Evanston., The course begins 0cto ber 26. He len Howe Gives Firsf Fail Drarme Club Programn Mrs. Julian P. Anderson,. presi- dent of the Evanston. Drama club, wilI welcorne memberÉ and guests at the opening meeting on, Thurs- day, October 20, at 2:30, at the Evanston Womnatis club. It is to be a gala occasion, for the guest of honor is te, be 'Helen Howe, who will be presented by Mrs. Clarence T. Simion, chairman of the program committee. A reception and tea in the club lounges downstairs have been ar- ranged by Mrs. Robert K. Stuart and Mrs. Charles M. Hardin, chair- men of the social and hostess com- mittee, and the officers of the, board. Mrs. Arthur S. Merrill is chair- mnan of a special committe from You're sure of long mrestFul sleep if you Wear Luxite "Hoftes" -they're the most comffortable things in. the wortd for -cold winter nhights, and they 1.ré an -absolute necesýsity îf you're'an oufdoo'r-sleeping addict. Seven different styles, one of them wt eet, in>balbriggan knit or :tuksicknt (V Balbriggan knit Tucisc*k Jet extra fe.k to match 59C designedespecially for youi woare 5 feet 4 or under year wil Children who can traee their an- cestry from one or more~ soldiers Who served in the Amierican revq-i. lution are eligibie to niembership. I E DGAR ASTEVENS, mc 1624 Orington Ave. Ev nton es, a à né.