Miss Jean A 7 Mù o u ld i ng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, C. Moulding, of, 1025 Elmwbood avenue, 'Wilmette, .wtas elected secretary-treasurer pfithe senior class at Carleton college at North- feld, Mi??n., last w e ek. Miss Mo:uliz lias bee)i trçcairer of the Womieni's league, sophornare president of Notrse hall, YWCA musi chirmn, jtýîor eadof Dean lod ge, and a member of the religious committee, the chapel choir. and YMCAcabÏii.i At Womans Club deirium. At the 'end of the, dance she fastei s a red rose on. the finger of thePos e artfflcîal'hand. For "Jungle" (Scott) there Is a lav-. ender à~~e background. She has on, Mr. and Mrs Alan R. Tyler. of a flat-faced-.,ras>k. She wears Jungle 1427 Gregory avenue, . Wilmette,- lef t clothingered 'loth fastened, around' theSna osedawe rtoi hips ý withî brown and white about the NwYr.Ms ye spann waist.Ne Yok.Mr. Te spang "*Gypsy" by deFalla, was a ýpopular a tea, to be held in November. MMIIC LAU TýOPS b Y S -T-R-E-T-C-H UP, DOWN, 'A favorite, in th Hat Ba This weII beloved Tyroleanha of Ktten Fluf-onci no won- der for it's one of th e smartest .sp 'rt hats we"v e ever seeq and it cornes in glorious col- ors for your fail outflits. It's orle of our many swank Hat Bar hats that al the yoirng things in town are rvn about.r.vn $3.95 Hat Bar Hats $2.95 and $3.95 her danicing. It is an ,attràctive face-full of animation and gayety in -he dance, "Morning ini Sprinig"; full of 'grief and despair in "My Sorrow Is My Song." Her siender arms and hands are equally as expressive of the mood s;he is depict- ing. She is the mnood that she is depiçting one feels aiter watching her. She seems, like the' spirit itself of joy, sadnress, fn or madness, and flot a person of -flesh and blood." The first dance. was "Promenade" (Poulenlc) in which she \%,ars purpie exçlI-sive witli Stevens ini Evanston Skirt - e -veî as she-diances zart) introduced the I EDCAR A. STEVENS, Inc. Eva nston a li dress thée' 'iseries, K- EDGAR A. STEVYENS, hIc.