hawk road, gave a talk on «'House Plants,~" and illustrated her talk %-with plants that she had brought. She gave cutti ngs of her plants, r-eady for planti.ng, to, the mem-. *bers to take home. Hotuse plants she thinks, of as- bringing sunshine, *indoors in 'the wint er. .The speaker suggested growing a *few unusual things like night bloom- ing cereus with its gorgeous White *blossorns, which is easily gr'own. Ainong the simple'things Which she suggested growing were the En- -gl Ish ,ivv of the h'vkind whieh one can grow in a.glass bottle, or ini coal ashes, orý in -pgaVmioss; Kenil.ý worth ivv for hanging baskets and wall pockets;ý the variety of phila- dendron that bas a'large leaf with three big slits in it, to plant iJ earth; hbbv's te-4rs. with slips put in and covered with glasses; pepper-1 mint and lemon geraniums. "We're hàirkiniý bpctk". zý,e slid. "to sweet scented geraniumns, wandering Jew -the variegated kind with white ir it must have sun if it is to keep *white; umbrella plant, purple col- euis;. strawberry geranium, a good plant ini à terrarium; the pandarata;- maiden-h'i'r fe-n: a?1':Christ- nimas cactus; the sensitive plant: flowering maple; crown of thorns;, and the begonias. 'Things we like to 'plant and * watch grow" are thue avacado-pear. the sweet potato and the yam, and g r a p e f r u i t, lemon, and orange seeds. Mrs. Durand told how to .raise house plants, what soil and what moisture they like, and how much sun and how Much, shade, and. what and ýwhen to feed them. Rl. B. Hovey of Evanston. gave a talk on -Chemical .G-rdening for the Amantteur." "«Ail gardening" he said, -'is chemical gardening.' He calîs f.: I The collection of recrd s-;-clip,- pin gs, favors, pictures, 'amj. of: thos.e items which-, saved over a perIod of years,, relate to the sorority's history is in charge' of Mvr s. Stuart Fox of Wilmette, who will have it on exhibition at the 1tîm.e of the Golden annit>ersary of Gamma Phi Ëeta, Satiurday, Octo ber 15. Carlos Photo MotFiers, of Tri Delta Pledges Guesi's ai Tee Mothers of the new pledges c Delta Delta Delta so rority will bý honored, by the Mothers' club at students of the school of. music at Northwestern university. The following officers will serve the Mothers' club forthè coming year: Mrs. L. Narowetz, Jr., of Park Ridge, président; Mrs. T. N. Mehan of Evanston, vice-president; Mrs. Arthur L. Ross, of Evanston, trea- surer; Mrs. G. Froehling of Chica- go, recording secretary; 'Mrs. N. A Sale Priced When we say linen imports, we say it because our buyers clrcled the globe to gather our limens. That's why they bear three stamnps - exclusiveness, qaiy vialue. Save During Our Sale oj lIrish. Linen ýw"-whiie, tey ai Sale of Extra Hea'vy Irish Lineni Cloths Size -70x7O. Reg. $3.98 $3.25. Size 70x8û. Reg. $4.98 $1.25 Size 7O0xlO6. Reg. $5.98 $5.25 Size 70x126ý Reg. $6.98 $6i25 Size 70xl44. Reg. $8.98 $7.25 Hemstitched Irish Linen Satin.Damask Cloths 54x72 wit h6 $5.9à8>$4.98 60x80 with 6 $6.98 $5.98, 66x86 witb. 8 napkinis, Reg. *napkins Reg. napkins .Reg. napkins Reg. Mvrs. T. E. JvcElroy, pour ing hcstesseà were Mrs. 'A andMrs. Frank Haines. and (lis ï. K. Yates Format - Souvenirs Ili WIEBoLDT9s.EvANSTON . 1 .'l ý