Open p Open for O? fAVk., DAWOMzIIAZ j bath, red brick Colonial. oil ht., breakf"t rm. ection Sat. and Sun. 151 FOR SALE-VACANT LOTS 88XI40 IN WILMETTE, NEAR superb,' completed development:, no assessments............. . ...... $1,50 Hlghlaid, Park, 75x180, wooded, near school, shopping. district' and trans- portation..... ....... .........$2,500 SOuthwest Evýanston, 50xl70, near -L" and Oakton School * ......... $1,500 Northeast Evanston, 50.1x0, quit street ........ .... . 2750 W..,G. RUGGLES,,&CO.- 517 Davis'Street, Evanston Hiol. 6886 Uni: ,6886 Wîl. 1660 151LTN23ltc IND)IAN. HI ESTATES W. C. HUGGINS« Owner's Reprý sentative Inupect th - -«TAIUUul on Chippewa Lane Administration Office Iroquois and Locust Roads 1150 Wlmette Ave. Ph. Wilniette 4490 151LTN22-4tp BARGAINS CHOICE 80.FT. LOT IN INDIAN HILL Estates-West among the finest homnes at the unusually 10w price of $6,000. Calil Mr. Lott. 70.ft. wooc USED FRIGIDAIRES Reconditioned. Guaranteed V. J. KILLIAN CO. Winnetka 908. 171LTN23*ltc HANDSOME LIGHT WALNUT FILING CABINET, HIGHBOY TYPE. Priced very reasoniablY., Winnetka 3857, 171LTN23-ltc LIVING ROOM, BEDROOM,- DINING room, ýrefrigérator,, stove, pîng: pong table, firesîde set, breakfast set, porch. furniture.- Wilmette - 5011,. 1011 Chestnut Ave. 171LTN23-ltp BOY'S BICYCLE, SOFA, D)RES.SING t able, Mattresses, 1 double and 2 smnall.' Small beds. Odds and ends of clothing and China. .Wnnetka 2907. 171L23-ltp UNUYSUAL HAND DECORATED BED- .room suite, bed complete, chest, dress- er, desk and chair. Very reasonable. Phone Wilmette 4117... 171LT.N23-ltV~ LARGE CHILD'S 7 CREN!ID PLAY Shouse, floor space 9x12; in-a-dor bed and mattress. Day bed, mattress. Child's bed and mattress. Kenilworth 1656. 171LTN23-itp ONE DAVENPORT AND TWO LIVING room chairs. Miscellaneous dishes and glassware: Call Wilrnette 4251. 171LTN23-Itp PHILCO $350 RADIO BAR. ALMOST new. Fully equîpped. Real bargain. Iredale stôrage, Winnetka. 171LTN23ltc FOR SALE: MANGLE, $35.00, A-1 CON- ditioh.- Call Winnetka 1813. ological, andi zoologicai exhlui a.- 3 p.m. Friday, October 21-Guide-le- ture tour, "Indians of the North- west CoastY-3 p.m. Saturdey, October 22-Raymond Foundation free motion pictures for ljdren: Nature's Bugaboo," "'Pirates1 of the.Deep,'" "A Siamese Journey,'" "The Stork Family frorn Poland," and "The Seventh, Won- dàer.'4-l0 and 1l a.m. Saturday, October 22-Illustrat- ed Lecture foraduits: ."Our.Stone- *Pelted '1anet,' Dr 1. H.Nininger, of Denver, Colorado--2: 30 p.m. Sunday, October 23 .-. Layman Lecture Tour conducted by Paul G. Dýallwig:.,'Digging Up the Cave- man's Past"' (Advance reserva-* tions must be made for. Sunday .touri-2 p.m. Has Winter ArrilvecW Open Arena Ice Rink Ice skating will be ushered 'in for Chicago fans with the opening of. the Chicago Arena Friday, October 7. The near north side plant wll, be entering tapon its third season of the frozen sport and this year will have nightly publie skating and dai- Iy matinees. Last year the public had only four matinees per week. I I LOANS No0 Co0mmission 0on Preferred Loans F. H. A. and otheIr insurance corn- pany loans at current rates. 1564 Sherman Ave. Uni. 0283 AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN in a choice lot near lake in Kerlil- worth. 93-foot frontage, deep and wooded, among beautiful homes. MeGUIRE & ORR, Ine.. 530 Davis St., Evans., Gre. 1080. WiI. 228 151LTN23-Itc CHOICE LOT, 90x2Ô0. NEAR LAKE IN Highland Park. Reasonably prlced Would like to trade for small North Shore modemn home. City National Agcy. of Evanston, Inc. 17it WTD. TO BUY-HSHLD. ,OODI CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITUI modern or antique, antd other hou hold articles. WiIl also accept your furniture conignmrent basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE: - Established 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evansto, Uni 1- iVwis R. Jiiin aIII t5u utiL1 Durjis, -I who have been so successful at the r.famous Winter club in Winnipeg, .î Canada, in recent years. The vet-- ise- eran will be Pearil Murray who has developed some of Chic-ago's lead- onl ig figure skaters. In addition to-.the regular 'public skating theré will be a planned pro- gram for figure skaters. Chicago boasts the national champion, Robin de- Lee, and Chicagoans hold all of the elui per acre WYATT & 1026 Waukegan Road parcel et farrn TUPCOAT, TUXEDO, 1 GRAY, 1 NAVY- Wilmette 32Ï4- west of Lake suit, all size 38. Boy's overcoat, 12-14, _________________________ perfect buy at Double box sprinLis andi innersprin- mat-- 7LN3t, tress, like new. Winnu. 2625. 173L23Itp J unk Dealer Phil Schumnan COONS *R OY AL W I LT ON RUG. 9x12 FT.ý Will buy funiture. bath tubs brown and tan,. $10. Childs brown fur. old iron. washing machines, any kinc! PoeGlenvieu; 7 trimmed winter coat, 10-12 yrs.. $5. Cali of junk;: pay best prices.. Wilmette 744. 162LTN23-lte Wlnnetka 1919. 173L23.ltp . l4LTN23.îtp lu r- i,