sure comieVxIioUL Lt i5eningi5 U mat tions be able to have the ticke ts, date. but, if checks are flot sent prompt- -Get your blanik, f111 it ýout. care- ly, ail tickets not claimed in that fully, have your signature witnessed, manner will be turned over to make out a,'check or moneY, order -the. waiting list., As soon as the for' fifty cents,_ ifyou are beyond subscriber -si-rids a . heck -to Mrs. the. age of 18, years, t.wenty-five Eloise, Wortley, 944, Chestnut, cents if you. are, below that age, st reet, Winnetka, made payable. and endit ithyour application toteWnetka-Musie club. the. 1to-the Automobile.Departmnent, Cap- tickets illbe mailed. jitl, Springfield.' This will license 'Richard Crooks opens the you as a driver unt il May 1i1 1942. series MIonday evening, October No Examinationi Needed 24, in New Trier High School *Noexamination is,,necessary, ex- adtru.Teohrtrecon- cept in special calses. for a person ietswller-eteb.a. who, is now operating a car. No01 jitrcta.b yaHs examnination necessary.prior! te Ma 1, 939.and by Nathan Mils tein. * You 'will note," said Secretary 7 Hlughes, "That the application blank carnies a space for a photograph.N W Let me again, emphasize the fact HEALTH NE S that you are not in any %ýay com-j pelled' Vo aUà ch ybur phoidgraph fo FrômHed are ýWlinètte the application. The automobile de-! Health Center, 905 Ridge Road partment has inéluded this space as a mneans of determining %ýhetheiro' From headquarters, Wlrnette not Illinois motorists wish this. fur- Health Center, 905 Ridge road. ther protection."Clnehde Means of Identificationi October 13-2 to 4 p.rn. Eye clinie Sccretary Hughes in requesting for children and adults. Dr. R. H. oarly application for licenses pointed Henderson in charge. ,eut the advantages to mnotorists of; October 17-1 to 4 p.m. Ch est ,ïetting their Iic enses prior to. the clinie. Dr. J.. B. Novak, Medical Otlmcial de.adline. ,. . ý_-- ý - TO BE MOVED DURING THE WINTER L. J.HAMN GARDEN ING SERVICE and MATERIALS IArtistic WIImelte 561 Ecomomieco OYOubia, Eu Florale Çoncentre A Iight version of per- fume, in popular $1 00 floral odors.... . o'(n thie lite (if the license of threp Year-s s tarting MUay 1, 1939 and ex- tuniding to May 1, 1942. .OnIy Car of Its Kind inU. S. A. Is on Sale The only automobile of its kind in the United States, described as the -finest car ever built," is being offered for sale in an advertisement 1 Albert Aji. 1MceKegan,: Ctairman, iWlmette Health Center Board, held a luncheon meeting on Tuesday, October 11., at Weeks' dîning room. The committee consisted of Dr. E. Christie, Chairman;, Dr.. P. Bass, Dr. 'G. Chinnock. Dr. C. Reeb, Dr. R. H. Henderson, Dr, N. G. Shaw, and. Mrs, . . Bliss. R.. NI, A he Id day. mneeting of the board wi at the Heaith Center on TJ Oct. 13, at 2 p.n. WiImte Yi-Delta An orange flavored emulsion of tasteless coincentrates of fish livers. Rich in vitamins. A & D $1J25 Navifol malt Com- pound Shoving Cream Sootiiing Heallag