W HJ1 EN you'ive. got something mighty good Yand know it, it's not easy to pass it Up even for something better! We had ample- evidence f rom thle start' mat our past season's good Buick was the life of the 1938 party. Right through the darkest months it paced the industry in sales, setting a bright example that, shone like a sudden Sun smiling through the rain. Dut itching in-our heads and on our drawing l'iil e f-;f q ALUsT 0F THE IIGI4TS s this rnighty Buick Dynafah Valve- in-Head StralghtEighty with a cyclone in each clne osuee ful Powe froni every drop of fuel. Cyidrt qez -ide"s that- wouldn't stand stili - that budded, burgeoned, flowered full into gorgeous new beauty of line and form and action. Ideas that promised to re-pattern motor car design for the next haif decade or more! Now, the price of progress is idaringto make I OC To3ER 217, 193 8.