The' second play of the season, «"Cinderella," will be produced for the first' time by the Children's theatre. «,The Ghost of Mr. Pienny," a new modern Amer!ican, comedy, is to have ILETURNS TO HOME Mrs. George Ortseiferi has re- turned, to, "The. Little Housè," at hpr home,' 33T Essex road, Kenil- worth, after a* month*s stay,.n St. -qt-d at Harrow and Oxford in " L En 'gland. The.Cormmunity theatre iS A lawyer and law professor,E- located at 1320 Loyola, avenue, ward. can abl represent the Tenth Chicago.District. Adv., '11111 ii i" l '/Il/ LES# INC.- 726 Elm Street Whw.ttka lI84 SH I.