October 28. at 2 o'clock at 1~ 3. Sewing for Wesley hospital will Wonan's club. be under the direction of Mrs. N. The program, as planned by Mrs. A. Booz at 10 o'clock in the Thomas P. Gibbons, is an interestinýY one and very opportune at this time morning. of the year. Il is the beginning of: The executivie board of the Wom- the winter "musical seaso n. Mrs. an's guild will meet.,at 10:30 oclock Gibbons announces, that Maàry R with- Mrs. A.- L. Fuller presiding.! Ryan will. give thé talk- of the after- Luncheon Will be served by mem- tioon.- Her subject wiIl be,"Antonin bers. of the Sixth division, of which Dvorak." Mrs.e Eston Tubbs' is social céhairman. Miss Ryan is the president of the1 ýAt 12:20, the cabinet of the Womain's Chicago chapter of. the« Catholic Msinr society ilb'nssin .Potry Society of America, Merober Temsonrygidpgamwl Mf the Guild of, Organists. Music ýbegin promptly at-.1:30 o'clock, with criei for the "Chord and Discord."r. EskeJeodsnchref She bas written a great deal for the. the. devotional -period. ' A short busi- Catholic World, MunseysXTeRs ness ýsession will.. be- followed by' ary magazine, ýExtension magazine, musical numbers by Mrs.* Harold i and others tou numheroustb mention. Sýherman, mnezzo contralto. Recently a group of her songs were The speakerý secured by Mrs. sung 'at a concert given at North-'James Badger,, programi chairman weten nieriy ,yRo1Sbus of the guild, is a very. interesting sier xwfrrwonl an .'ýaward froni the1 and rnuch traveled ',Mrs. Celeste Society of American Musicians. She! Amstutz, wife of Dr'. Hobart Amn- has been a pil 4.of -the tutzhead of a 4ivinit~y school in composer, Dr. Alberb Noelte. iSingapore, India', where Mrs. Arn- She has often lectured at Rosary stutz is head of the dramatic -de- col)lege, Loyola universitv, and the. partment. Dr. and Mrs. Amstutz, Catholic. Women's league. after a round-the-world trip, are S Antonin Dvorak is best known.for spending the remainder of their bis -Old World Symphony ' his leave of absence. et the University of "Siavonie -Dances, and "Stabat Ma- Chicago. ter." He was a Catholic of intense faibh and he remains a light to those' ini the cburch who know his music, thie club àiinouinces. Mrs. Johri J. Tracey wilI give beri Reviews 'Lieten, The Windl" r-eport as movie chairman . This will Mrs. Henry G, Zander, Jr.,, will bc her first report of the year. . revieW. Anne Morrow. Lindbergh's1 ture.» Mrs. Louis Là Mair, Mrs. John vemnber 4, at 10:15 'o'clock, at the M\cManus and Mrs. William C. Mc- First Congregational church. This Mvurray will seiwe as bostesses for! is the fourth in a sèries of six ne- the afternoon. views sponsored by the North End circle of the church. As before, the review will be preceded by current Author, Speaker 1events. î- ~ :The Mutle House of Interetl if You',re,,Dining, Formally ... If iîs imnerative that .you. have the, correct glassware . a' cocktails,. .Rhinte wines Sauerns... Iqueurs lo ta ccompany. each course. 0111Y et Tatman' s wilI you find the correct service and aouthoritative information on this.-subject. P. S.ý Have.you enough cockctail glasses, foi Mle partie-s-and 'at homes' thet wifl be held during this 'Homecoming' week-endl? TAT M A N 707 Churci, St. Evanston GREenleaf 2450 i -~ 709 CHURCI- STREET Journalist's WiJé." Mrs. 1IowTtT has moveci about .with her 1hus- band in the midst of dramctie. and stirringevents abroad. Every Thiuraday PATRONS' NIGLIT DINNER - DANCING - FLOOII SHOW $1.50 - No Cover Charge, SALESTARTSTODAV t. r, ý ljwýý qvý quo- lqqwp-ý