1.000 points. Thé Scouts in this patrol are as follojws: Mason -Gaffney. patrol leader; Bob Humphrey, assistant patrol leader.; Lon- don, Hoyt, James Haase. Burto n Host- nîck, Philip Towle, John Garret, Richard Mathiessen. Second place was won by the Fly- ing Eagle Patrol of Troop 1, Wil- mette, thL total of 760 points. The Sceouts in this patrol are as, follows: -bon, Davidson, patrol leader;. J ud Bauer, assistant patrol leader; Oliver Peifer, Jack Reddhng, Bob ýBush, Dick Best, Bill Bleser, ,George Dahlstrom.; * Third place ' was Won 'by the 'Stag Patrol of Troop 2,,Wilmette, with a total of 754 points. This, patrol, consists of the following Scouts: Warren MacKenzie,,patrol leader; :Bob *Maeser, assistant patrol leader; Leo Had- ley, Bill Lutter, Gordon Forester, Mark. Young, Jack Fox, Bud Krampe.' The committee of Scout leaders who~ put this, event -on so sably was, composed of:1 Col. J. B. Jackson of Highland. Park. chairman; Harold Spinxney of Wilmnette, director - of Camporal activities; i3±i Kurtz, Hubbard Woods; Loren Massey, Winnetka; John Emnrîch, Glencoe; Paul Muzik. Highwood; Cal Garuiey, LaKe Forest; Carl Hannen, Wilmette; Lewis Hatton. Waukegan; Axel Runnerstrom, Wauk-egan. SCOUT COMMISSIONERS MEET 'Under the Ieiidershii of Henry restaurant in Highland Park to de- y.elop plans for an -increased service to ail packs, troops, and ships of the N'\orth Shore Area council. Many events stretching several months into the future wý,ere pIanned and the otitlook for the late fali and. winter program. in Scoutîng in the. North Shore Area council is very bright indeed. The commissioners of the North i*RUUF 22 Second Class: Donald Mosser. First Class: Chuck Mack, Dave Moul- ton. Star: Don Hamnley. Philip Tuttie. Bronze Palm:, John Mosser:* Gold Palm: Wally Peterson.. Eagle: Eugene Sittig.> Menit Badges: Ozier Arnstréng- woodcraft, painting, Don Hami.ley-life. saving, athleties; Roy Johinson-bugling, ýseamanship, rowirng,' leathercraft; Johan Mossèr -wcanoeing, leathereraft, reptile, study,. rowîng,, seamanship, zoology; David Moulton-personal health; Wally Peterson-basketry, woodwork, seaman- sh ip painting; John Sae-wmig letercraft, pioneering, camping, bas. ketry. life-àaving, metalwork,, rowing; Eugenie SittiÉ-rowing, basketry, cook. * îng, canoeing, .handjcraft, woodwork; reptile study; Phil Tuttle . personal health, 'publie health,,sWimmxjàng, leather. craft, seamnanship; Jack Whitted-cook. ing, wôodcarving, basketry; Tom Woods -baskctry, personal health; Bill Zehr-- personal health, public health, swim- m irg, first aid, cooking, pioneering, bask try. Junior Red Cross: Joh~n osr. Don. Harley, Chck'Ma ,John, Shafer. ,Scout Life Guard: John Shafer, John Masser. * TRO0P 23 Tenderfoot: Maurice Horner, Bruce McAllister, Henry Krîtzer, 'Richard Binder, Roger Purdy, Jack Miner, Dick, Bray. Second Cass: Kit Beebe, Calvin ýTitus. First Class: Bertil.Peterson. Star: Don Waters, Tômn Spopehr, ~Peter Reece, Billy Zehr. Life: Charles Wells, Pete Sehuttler, Guilford Peters, Russel Fouet. Foust,,- lifes basketry, ele( ing, rowing, Kahn - rov canoeing. bas craft, campink painting; Dai !arvini Make Words Tour Frind One need flot he a poet to "fali in love with w ords" and gain the "habit of looking at them intently." To6make a word your friend and' powerful, allyý, a knowledge of its, origin and structure is. essential: to corect:spelling, pronuinciation and use. Besides being. a valua 'ble aid in quick reference,. the, great new Geographical Webster's Ho-me ýand Offie Diictionar y i s a veritable. treasurehouse of word orig ins. Etymologies are larly res ented, to6gether with simple phonetie respellings without the use of involved diacritical markings. And because thiswo rk is: new from'n cover to cover, it -includes n 1ew words and phrases in every field from science to slang. Get this fine dictionary now. Bring the coupon to the office tnpwui 73.000 words,ý 1.152 pages Siz. 53/4/luChes ,Flexible bioeding in, gSU58ce r£Vveai5 Uthe OTce pronunciation of- each, word. Dejinitiony in ail cases are simple, terse and clear. Not necessary to consuit other sources for straight. forward definitions. New YqrcIs: Abreast with the, times, this dictiou.ry gives important word. of recent couulage likely to *to attend ti. will. be coi afternoon., interested in Cub Sea Scouting are his 24-hour course lncluded at 4:30 Audio,J àces," wnicn is being ie heat of the waning [me of the story is fail, Geogrophical Homne and Office Webster's Dictionairy warm weather at the s must wear his vest. WILMETTE LIFI h*-- .11 Pý