An increase of 20 per cent over last year in suburban'building in the' Chicago region is shown h ur-. Vey completed this, week by Greene- baum Investment company, the total in September i 68 communities being. $3,081,.417 and in September of- last year. $2463,834. A falling off occurred in September in comparison wj4h August, the total of wh ich was $4,220,436. This. figure however was swollen beyond normal% present, proportions by more than $1,750,000 of exceptional industrial, m.unicipal. and church construction. in the September survey there are few items in these classifications. The three million dollar total for the month thereforè indicates a. con- tinuance and even increase of lbuild- ing originating ti the ordinary and niost deliendible sors. Summer Spent At the nid-year suburban building Sa s nearly $6,00,000 behind last vea rlthç total from January to Jufle ïincitEs ive having been $12,580,096 and' last year $18,455,686. This difference has -been reduced however by the c reat improvernent in July, August and September which this year pro- duced $10,103,644 of new building and last year only $9,052,942, so that the *year is now only $5,000,000 behind. In - other words, there has been $1,000,000 more . suburban building this sùtirer than last. Comparative figures follow: F'ebi ýMai May Junt Juhv Aug 1938 1937 ilary......... $ 2,039,871 $ 1,526,770 ruary ......... 1,185,498 1,889,062 eh .......... .2,028,093 3,666.255 il .......... .2,235,828 4,424,193 y . .... 2,037.876 3,592.954 le........ 3,052,930 3;356,452 Y .......... 2.801,731 2,486;729 gust........... 4,220,416 4 102.â19 te *er......... 3,081,477 2,463.83f TOTAL.... *....$22,683,740 $27,508.623 229 New Homes Eomne building ti September. in- flnuber of homes andj is 15 eer'cent. --FJ .J b "LAI AE,6 By WilimA.Sadler Smart_____________&____________________ Dise overed by 'Hap' Lyons -a: typogratp4ical error which he passes on for further elaboration. A reent 1classified ad describes in warmly glowing terrns the ecstasies of com- fort a.waiting a buyer. in this perfect- ly air.-conditioned house, and closes with. the words "scientifically . i- sulted."' From our own observations in somne newly, completed homes it, is doubtful if even'science could im- prove upon the remarks of Sunday afternoon .shoppè rs."> Theirs is al- mnost an art-spontaneous and un- ,solcited-btit unbelievably compre- henisive. Had an enjoyable chat at the Champaigri fpotbal shindig, with James Leonard (Jimmy) Lee,, broth- er of 'Vie,' the druggist, and former Evanston newspaper mani and pub- licity director at N.U. J-irn is developirig a unique sub- division in the Miami Beach sector known as 'Suriny Isles'-the -Venice of America." With the chill winds sweeping a cross Memorial Stadium, the colorful panorama of .17 miles of waterfront basking i a tropic "Sun], had , a strangely fascinating appeal. Style notes by Eerb Jenks: one month spent-i-inspecting new home construction in New Eriglarid con- vinces Herb that the East is far ahead of the Middle West ini good tàste anid design. There are almost1 nonie of the typical "contractori houses," he re ports, whereas event the sim.pest dwell.irg expresses'good architectural treâtment.t One hears too. frequently of dis- putes' between r eal- estate, sales people, involvirig the, question of priority. in. submitting property. There is no reason why the princi- pals should- be made, a> party to disputes which are disagreeable enough. in themselves, but it has struck us for some time that the right attitude o! principals might eliminate much of this. trouble. '.Shopping" seems to have an' ir- resistible hold ýon the.,Arnerican pub- lic. but there. is no re ason W-Iy- it cannot be dorie in, a mànner that the interests of the brokers who offer. their services can be protected. The public expects fairness and integrity ti abroker-it should iespond Ani kirid. To allow a half dozen comn- peting brokers to negotiate in onie transaction with purely selfish in- terests in mind, is to invite disaster. If, on the other harid, a broker shows incompetence or lack of good faith, a principal is entirely justified in dropping him, or ber, as the case may be, and placirig confidence in the broker who meets the require-, merits of high standards and good practice. Price is naturally at the bottom of 90 per cent of the trouble. Ini buying real estate' with very few exceptionis, it is absurd to believe that one broker van buy property any. eheaper than his competitor. The salesman who uses this method of approach is reflecting upon the competence and deperidability of his fellow brokers, but hie finds the mis- represeritation a powerful appeal to the instincts of any buyer. The -I can get it cheaper" salesman is- one to- avoid.. E w ..é'/ . ts nooi<, sere ttached two-ci located on a 1Ilever ~porch Be Locale of Na t 'iSession Steps taken dur ing the past year and. steps that may usefully now be taken in the all-around strengthen- ing of. the real estate ýstructure of- American citieswill be reviewed by, the National Association of' R eal Estate -boards and its Professional institutes 'and specialized divisionis and councils atthe commng annual convention of the association, to be held ini Milwaukee, November 9, 10, 11,' an d 12. Many North Shore look- ers are expectig to attend the ses- sions. Concerned with questions o! public policy which formn the underlying conditions of future real estate de- velopment, and constituting at the sam~e time e ~great nrational round table on current trends of the real estate market and on developments of business practice to meet current economic needs, the convention will be preceded and followed by import- ant meetings of the àssociation's board of directors, will culmiriate in a general business session on the morning of November 12, the prin- cipal such meeting of the real estate year. Joseph W. Catharirie,.. Brooklyn. New York, as president of the Asso- ciation, will be chairman of all general sessions and at the opening general session, on the afternoon of November 9, will outline the work. which real estate men and real estate boards have before thern in guiding sou nd urban real estate use under the- very much changed con- ditions of city, growth which have corne about in the last ten year s and under the changing general bus- iness conditions which may be ex- pected to characterize the years just ahead. t uuDoaua wnilri is1toLUta waukee the. week of