and ball in the grand ball Sherman hotel on Armi Novembcer 11. This is th, annual event, known Antics.", as "Afra Tickets .may be obtained *now, at, the offices.of the.American Federa- tion of RdoArtists, 540 North Michigan~ avenue .and at th.e-foIlow- ing places: Lobby -of.the.Merchan- dise .Mart (on November a9 and, 10)., Sherman hotel (the night of thé Bail, Novexmber 11), Kroch's Book Store. 206 North Michigan avenue, Croydon hotel, 616 Rush, street, Rush &Ohio Drug Store.. Gloria Dickson Is Star, Ex 'tra in Film Gloria Dicksoni took a postman'sý hol iday and pl1ayed an extra's role in a picture in which she is starred. Having a day off from -They Made Me- A Crimnial'? at Warner Bros., Gloria, a boxing enthusiast, followed the company to the Jim Jeffries Barn to watch the filming of fight scenes between John Gar- field and Frank Riggi, 185-pound pro- fessional. Throughout the morning Gloria sat high in the bleacher seats, crowded amnong 300 wildly cheering extras. She even had a box lunch at noon to complete ber one-day career as a film extra. CU UN1T Friday - S&turday oct. 28-29 "MERRILY WE LIVE" Mickey Mouse "Self ControI" SAT. MATINEES, 1 and 3 P.M. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2 Errol Flyein-Rosalind Russel O1lva, BeHavillaRd walteir Connolly 17177., Fr1., at., ovem er- Harold Lloyd 'l Arn the Law" Edw.. G. Roblson Wendy Barrie 10 0 FACES"I WihntteTheatr, 1120 CENTrRAL AVENUE-WILMAETTE 3902, The search of radio producers for *a néw cornedian has been ended& Bob Hawk, who is fea- tured on the WGN-Mutual net- work's new "People's Rally" pro- gram, w5hich is heard every Sun- day at 2:30 p.m. (CST), has been touted by ridwesterfl radio edi- tors as the "Comie flnd of the year." He promises to live up to these great expectatiQls. on this, Il So 1-layers Nlbble Abertina Rascb, who bas been breakfasting on the set of -Sweet- hearts" during dance rehearsals witb Jeanette MacDonald, orders triple portions of ail dishes fromn, the Me~tr-Goldwyfl-Mayer commis- sary. By the time Director W. S. Van Dyke, Nelson Eddy and a few Oct. 2 7-28-29 'I THE TEXANS" Bandolpil 5cott Joan Jennett P'lus. "JIJENILE COURT" Frankle flatTa Paul Kelly. Ott. 30.31-Nov. 1 "UBOY MEETS GIRV' James Cagiîey Plus Peter Lorre ,'MR. MOTO'S GAMBLU" * Nov. 2-3 'Hunled Men g MWary tairliWe &Sf. * ~... *1. I E I8 '9 F '5 13. ;3. .1 3 L ci 1- s n o ci ci 'f r .9. s 5 .5 2 s 3 5 4. 5 -I s Plus "South R*îdýmj