MANY OTHfER MODELS ALL CARS SOLD WITH A WRITTEN.GUARANTEE AUTHORIZED P0RD-LINCOILN- ZEPHYR DEALER .435 GREIENBAY .ROAD wil. 535 OPEN EVENINGS Gre. 0535 105LTN25-1tC FORD V.8 CONVERTIBLE COUPE. '32. Ili good mechanical cýondition. For sale by owner, $75. Caîl Wilmette 4409. 15LTN2-tp lie FOR RENTRPWOMB LAR~GE CHEERFUL ROOM. OR 2 AD- loni11g roens.- Near -Noth horea ndl North Western' R. R.. in Hubbard Woods. References. Phone Winnetka 387. 116LTN25-ltp COMFORTABLE FRONT R O O M IN private family. East side' of Wilmette. 1 block from transp. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 2475. 116LTN25Itp LARGE, COMFORTABLE. W'ARM .BM., for gentleman.* Share bath with only one other.) 1 block to Hubbard Wds. transp. 894 Burr, Winn. 2848. 116LTN25-Itp Pnr)uur MWLY. Winnetka 505-W. LARGE LIVING BOOM. BEDROOM& bath; furnished or unfurnished. Ga- rage available. Board optioflal. 1011 OCntral Ave., Wilmette. 116LTN25-ltp UNUSUALLY PLEASANT ROOM FOR 1 or 2, fineIy furnshed. Qiet, private home. 2 blocks from Hubbard Woods sta. Winnetka 209. 116LTN25ltP Roomn Suitable for 1 or 2 NEAR ELM ST. TRANSPORTATION. Cail after 12 noon, :Winnetka 2423. ý 40âUJ.,J'.Fi.liVAl5giui Tule baths with showers, can- >vgsed wllartistie lghing fix. tures. new stovea. Electrotuic re- frigeratioi. VOUR INSPECTION INVITED Also Attractive Office and Shop, Space Available. Evanston--522 DPfivls St., fHollycourt 1855 Winn. 455 . Gre. 105 128LTN425-lté 425 GROVE' STREET 8 RoOMS-4,Baths 7 Rooms-3 Baths Raymond Park' ,Apartment Homes *"EVANSTON'S MOST EXCLUSIVE" OFFERS A REFINED ATMOSPHERE 'for discrimlnatiflg people in aàrnost desirable location. A real home with lagsaiu nlifb WGSOUAWood« burning firefflace. abundant closet spaoe. Ail the luxury of a privat residence without' the care. Garage and elevator attendants, handball court and ecreation roomn. McGUIRE & ORR, INC. 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 128LTN25-ltC BEAUTIFUL Linden Crest Bldg. 3-4-5 ROOMS DELIGHTFUL APARTMENTS W I T H modems kitchens and baths. Lare llght rooms. near schools, transportation and shopping. See Janitor or MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. W3 Davis 'St., Evanston Wi1."«)F 12<N25-ltc A PERFECTLY' CHARMING GARAGE annrtment, on two floors. 2 bedrms., THREE InOOM APARTMENT- FOR rent.' Hot water heat. Phone Wilm-ette 658. 128LTN251ltp 129 FOR W4NT-FURNIUHED APIrS. INTERESTING GARAGE APT., FUR-, nished in NewEngland antiquie on an estate 7 min. to tranÉp. Dec. 1 to* May lst. $70 per. mointh, includiflg, heat, hot water and gar.. Phone .Glencoe 305. 129LTN25-ltc One room kitchenette, private bath, gas, elée.and 'refrig. 11 â blocks to North Western & North, Shore. $35 permo. imtte 3082. 129LTN25ltp ATTRCTIELYURNISHED FOUR room. kitchenette apartment. Bath, elec. refrig. Conveniently located- near stores* an d transp. Aduits only. Cal Wilmette__300.h 129LTN25-ltp FIRST FLOOR 0f HOUSE EQUIPPED .as apt. partly furn. 4 rms., bath. RentaI includes gas. lîght. heat and refrig. Prefer adults. Calowner, Wil. 2440. 129LTN25-ltp TWO ROOM KITCHENETTE. ALSO large sleeping room. Suitable for 2 or 3. 2 blocks North Shore and North Westernl stations. Reasonable. 629 Park VERY ATTRACTIVE 4 RM. APART- ment, faces east and south. Conveni- ent central location. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 129LTN23-4te TWO BOOM KITCHENETTE APART- ment, bath. g'arage available. 2 adults;. E. - side, near transp. $35 mo. Phone I Marrie imette 133 FOR «IIENT--HOUSES WILMETTE 6. EM.' BRICK BUNGALOW, H. W.ý heat, 2-car gar. 100 ft. lot. $65. 8 rmn. brick home, N.E. 2 baths. Conven- ien-t to stores & trapsp. Very desir- able at $110. INDIAN HILL ESTATES Modern 8 rm. brick & stueco, English type home, 31,2 baths; oil heat; 2-car gar. Spacious grounds. Very attractive outside & in. Rentai $150. MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 716 Vernon Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13 133LTN25- 1te In iBeautiful Glen Oak Acres 6 rms. modern, 2 car, gar age, $55. New strictly modern air conditioTned, $75. Both available now. B. H. BARNÉTT Offce-Lane & Wagner Road, 'mile so. of Wnnetka Ave., or ¾ý mi. no. Lake Ave'. PHONE, GLENVIEW 418-1 133LTN2Éiltp 601 LAKE AVE. REDUCED FROM $125 to IP<. INE section of Wilmette. Excellent cond.« 4 bedrms., 2 baths. H.W., ou. 2-car Gar. Bargai'n., Frederick A. Cooper. 1505 Chi- cago Ave.. Evanston. Gre., 3030--Shel. 3030. 133LTN25-Itcý F .OR SALE OR FOR RENT. UNFUR- ,nished. Brick residence, double corner lot: 4 Sun porches. 4 baths, 2 firepflaces. Billiards and recreation 'roomr, 2-car brick garage. Everyithing in first class condi- tion. Hinton G. Clabaugh, 1324 Scott Ave.. Winnetka. Winn. 663 or Randolph 6019. 13'3LTN25- Itc WNZN I'S YOUR MOV*E SEE SEARS North Shore RentaIs and Buys SEARS REAL ESTATE '421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 5288 133LTN25-ltc RENT WAS $85, REDUCED TO $75. 7 room residence. contains large living room with woodburning firepflace. brteak-. fast porch, 4 bedrms. and slp. pcb., oil heat, *2 car sealed gar. Back yard, pieket fence, E. Wil. Phone Harrison 6556. l______ i33LTN25ýtp hot .water heat, 1-car garage. $100. Small hoùse with 4 lôvely bedroom's, T, 'bath, hot water'heat. il c.g. $85. These houses for 6 mos. or longer. Other good rentals, furnished or un- furnished. $65 and Up. E. S. WJSDOM & Co. Winn. 387. or evenings Wil. 2904 134LTN25-Itc 714 CENTRAL AVE.. WILMETTE.. TEN rooms. 3 V2 baths, attractvey fur- nished. Newly* paintel and decorated. 011 steam heat. garage. Available, TY, Ine. WiI. 3740 147LTN25-ltC ýIZ5-Itp11 4. lv5i gar.C is ver ent w THE I 510 Davis