* Are school boards useless or mere- Do they genuinely represent the public in assisting in supplylng eiu- cation. to their communities? *Or are' theyý merely dummy di- rectors, rubber-stamping the auto-. cratic whims ofp ro fe s sionalY educators? 'On the other, hand, are, they med- dling busy-bodies or political, mar- plots. who make life unbearable for school ad ministrations and faculties. mnaking super intendents turn gray1 before their, ti 'me and turning.-them out *of doors for mere political * pu-)rposes? What. are the AnsWers9 An attempt will be made to answer these and rnany similar questions at] the opening meeting of the, season of the North Shore School Men's club to be held Monday, evening, Nvme 7, at the North Shore hotel in Evans- ton.. The general titie of the club discussion. which wiil be prêceded by *a dinner, will be "Should the Compulsory Education Law Apply tc School Boards." The sub-title. after the.fashion of the po-pular novel of. the m~auve decade,, will'be "Are They * Fricnds or Foes,- meaning the sehool boards. The N.orth Shore School Mens club Il group of about sixty men active- lY engaged in education in the -eneral area of the North~ Shore. shîp includes not only. Public scflooi Men but mo st, if not aIL the faculty of the departmient of education. Womien Are Invited Usually these meetings are- con- fi r 'ed. by the nature' of the club to men educators. On the occasion, of the projected tug - of - war betwveen educators and school board members. however, the entire memnbership of the boards of education 'on the North. annual and endorsement meeting. Probably the mos t important one. was presented by Mrs. Walther Buchen who gave the report of the candidates', commi.ttee recommend- ing endorsernent of candidates run-. ning in the November 8 election., "'Our club was organized not. only to secure the election of. Republicans, but to :definite ly influence the selec- tion of superior candidates by the Republican party *in -Cook county,"ý Mrs. Buchen reminded her listeners. "With this in mind we made a very special effort in. the primary to secure the nomination of the b'est candidates. presenting them;selves for office.- In the fal election it is our policy to endorse al Repub-' licans nominated in theprimar y un- less there, is some special reason, for, endorsing a. Democrat. 'There are many candidates on the Republican ticket to whomn we are glad to give our endorsement. In the case of certain.candidates runilng for eÔtlr- ty offices, who are not as well qual- ified as could be wished and whoni we did not endorse in the 'primary. i n pràctically every case the Demo-, cra tic opponent is a Kelly - Nash politician of no better record. Urges: "Vote 'er Straight!" "Therefore," the report conclud- ed," the candidates' comrmittee is re~commenndin g the straight Repùb- Democratic can fice of trustees te lIy aJis- trict where only. one endorsemnent is made înstead of three." ,The fact that, at the primiary elec- tion iast spring, the New Trier club disagreed with the endorsements of the regular Republican organïzation, in the county in the case of eight (Continued on page .24) * Peesldent De Gueldre Photo At its 64th annual. mýeeëting, held Titesday, the Cîtizens' As- soc iation of Chicago ele.cted Joshuta D'Esposito, 111 Lindenj cav..inue, Wilmnette, as its presidlent. Benjamin P. Affleck. 800 Humn- boldt avenue. 'Winnetka. was elected vice-president. Mr. D'Es- posito ivas reèently appointed one of the federal engineers on the pro posed Chicago suýbu'ay. 18,884 New Trier, Voters Registerd .. y the general election, to be heldi on Tuesday, November 8. The regis- tration by precincts is as follows: Precinet Preciflct 1 ........... 409 21.. ý......... 261 2 .......... ý.325 22 ........ ...502 ............ 674 23.. ........ 507. 4......... -366 24............ 344 5 ..........147 25............ *461 6 ..... ..... 828 26........... ' -376 7......... 388 27...... ..... 85 8. ».......... 711 28............ 1108 9 ........... 587 29............ 467 10.. ý..... ... 736 30 ............ 499 il ...... ;.....275.......... ........569 Information frorn Cornmunity Chest headquarters is ýthat pledges already received total one-half of. the budget, and that one-half of the reports are stili in the hands of men and women workers. This situation -indicates ýthat- thé. camrpaign could. be' brought to aý speedy and successful close if onl y the workers .who have not reported would ,complete the canvass and turn in their cards,,said Elmer D. Becker, president of the Chest association. . He voicedi an urg ent request that further timne be, not lost,, and, that the workers get thieir reports in.-with- in:*the next feW days. N-ot Relief Agency The point is emnphasized that there is 1.a. misconceptioni on the. part of some citizens that the funds collect- ed by, the Community.Chest are in addition to the funds expended for relief by the New Trier township relief office. The Chest budget has nothig whteer to do wi4ih eed4nei, relief work, and not one penny goes for that purpose. Uts funds are ap- portioned among ten recognlzed and accredited charitable organizations, among which are the Wilmette Fam- ily Welfare association, Wilmette Health. Center, the Boy Feouts and Girl Scouts. The first two of these are strictiy local welfare agencies, the- Family Welfare concerning it- self largely with farnily rehabilitation wor-nk and3 ftemnranv' aa t t tandi eye ciinics andi immunization. These are the two major welfare organizations of.Wilmette. The Boy Scouts and> Girl Scouts are recogniz- ed as the builders of good citizens. Cenvenient Payments 7 If anyone withholds a piedge, on the ground that he cannot make im- 3mediate payment, Mr. Becker as- 5serted, it serves only to delay com- pletion of the canvass. The policy'Of the Chest provides for just such HOLD SEWING MEETING, To place a Want Ad, cati The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 46, will hold a sewing meeting WINNETKA 2000L at the home of Mrs. Ararn K. Mest- WILMETTE 4300 -jian,ç 51 1 Gr-een Bay road, this eve- over to ig. Sou thavne 1 1 avenue, ôve.È to