560-5161-5162-5163-5164 Éresh Young' PORK LOIN ROAST lb.....3-1. ....... AnY.Size-Cut, l-b. ....... ...... .24é Nrhwesterm I4oo@r Sfuidenfs. Students from the North Shore and vicir&:ty took a majority of the principa prizes and ho-nors awarded recer&tlÙ at the annual honaî. convocation of Northwestern university. .Thre convocation was held to celebrate the" achievements'0f, the, largeat .group of honor. students iný the university's historij. __ - Peter L Gilbert (right), 554, Briar sm ovcto otoesuet street, Kenilworth, was given, the sm ovcto otoesuet ,Bonbright scholarship for thre best who had been among the upper five recodi >rhistQry and l~inguistic per cntof t±eir éIsse- esic studie s. Nolan schoiarships, given alIy during the academic year 1937- after competitive examination, were 1938. Junior honors went to;. Anna a warded to Virginia Taylor (left), Marie Booz, 919 Forest avenue, Wil- 558 Hill terrace, Winnetka, and to mette, Mr. Gilbert, and Miss Taylor. John R. Schaefgen, 1935 Birchwood Sophomore honors went to Mr. avenue. Wiimette. Sch,,efgen Pnr1 to Jerome Stein, 215 Ciss honors were awarded at the Broadway, Wiimette. ý"Competiton- Wise and Otherwise"' Subject for Education Con ference FrethDressed TURKEYS Palace., Famous Northern Birds. Always. tender and- toothsomne to the Iast morsel. 10 to 20-lb. avg. Genuine sprlng Rib: LAM CHPS Fresh Dressel Chiektem 4-lb., avg. l b. 25 L* GOS LAMs 8 to 9-lb. avg. LB. 24 1/2c p SmaU Leg o' Lamb . ... ...lb. 29ec SIRLOIN STEAK. Ab. 32c ROVh1ND STEAK.. lb. 32c SWISS STEAK lb. . 32c PORTEJUIOUSE STEAK........b. 38c. Pala~ce Quàlity PeTee PRIME STEAKS P OAT The very finest of prime beef 1 . - ý s..L uier oi VVnnek, tare On thie 'Competition - Wise and Qther- board of directors of the Chicago As- Wise," is the chalienging subject to sociation for Chiid Study and Parent be considered at an ail-day confer- Education. ence under the auspices of Chicago _________ Association for Child Stud.y and Par- ent Education Tuesday,' November 8, Scout Leaders Attend at the Morrison hotel, Chicago. There will be three sessions: morn~- Sit Conference at Camp ing, luncheon, and afternoon. it Boy Scout leaders frorn the The morning session beginning at Northr Shore attended a training con- 10 a.m. xiii be, addressed by the. ference last Saturday and Sunday at Camp flnddridzena ipfv Bills. Bros. COWFEE 2-lb. can *~ ~ ~ ls s *ses r UDD *I EAT... o 9 *.* o.IAb.24c 'YELLOW LABEL LIPTONS BLACK TUA 1-pound can .......... 79c Loewstein, Mrs. JE.ward j.oe-w- - enthal of Highland Park; Mrs. Ed gar Bernihard of Glencoe,' and Mms Harold SIPPY, Mrs., B. F., Lang-e, an, C. Lar ett, George Tenider and zibs.