amn constantly thinking of ali our peo pie - unemn- utlidvdadembloyed, alike- of their human probIems of' food and clothes and homes and education -and health and old age. Yo u and I agree that security is our greatest, nee dPRESIDENT ROOSEVELT -GergeF.NiXon ICI- VI W. N. Erkkson - *Moke Strong Appeal The five Republican 'candidates for Cook. county commissio .fiers fro. the dstics re m. a 'ki ng. à strong appeal for support of the voters in next Tuesda' Js election. 'our of' the ftive, WrnimBise Georg4e A. Miller', William N. Eric1son and H-. Wallace Caldwell, are candidates for reelection. George F. Nixon, the' fifth candildate,' has previouslry served the county. The work of the sitti-ng commissioners b as been highly commended. Their DemocratiC opponents, baclced by the Kelly-Nash machine, are making .desperate efforts to capture these. country. town seats. Supporters of the inicumbeiits are appeahing for votes for them and for Mr. Nixon. 1 'vtedfor the 'Red Rider' suppressing Candidate Churcz ciil' liberties for teachers.' The fact is VI-,reoeal' fRthe.otce fr.ea IIn VOTE Fx STRAIGIIT DEMOCRAT1C To Eleci These QUALIFI ED CANDIDATES this weelc bj Uongressmnan ttalpn E,. Church, who is a TRepublican candidate for er-election f rom the 10 (No rth Shore) district.. "My opponient has the endorsemént of the CIO. Labor's NÇon-Partisan league, which is actively campaign- ing in his behaif. He has the, support of Commrunists. and every un-Ameri- ton, of iexcas, i the nararoi l commiittee. It wuas s'lipped into 'the bill hv à clever narliamerdary mrn~euver without any clebate or any coflsider~t ion on the Floor and without a vote. Other members of the cornmnittee in charzeý of the bil themoselves did not even notice it. "To say, therefore, that 1 *vted for this provision is a deliberate distortio n of facts.- "It was trulv unfort-uriate thnt ,the nrovision ever got on the stifuté- bookq. Bt ,itt he<'me law when the bil was ELECTUON .NOVEMBER 8Sthl III -iii 'E i at< ingmento leave 'their es1bished~ Ontario, Canada, wnere tney spn- union and yield to- minority de- two and one-half weeks. Accompan- Mys iaippnnt e nbr ,g thern were their friends, Mr-. and distort the facts when they say Mrs. E. B. Floback.l. 11 c . Il : ruary B, lýPJ d , 1 'ý ULUU IVI ý ý 1 repeal' of the so-called Red Il atE