Students ai Colgafoe. Cook countlsc lgainto Colgates class of 192i elcomied b~ another fellow-cïtizeni, Dave: Buck'; one of the two sophomnores to,.break* into the Colgate varsity lirêe-up this fali. Frorn left to right: Dave Buck.. Maywood; Fischl, Evanston; Robert, Evanston; Hugh Cloud, Beverly His; John Dix, Kenilworth; Ted Fischer, Evans- ton; Stanford Meigs, Evaiiston; Ted Persson, Winnetka; David~ Lockett, Winnetka:» Charles Meacharn, Oak-Pairk,-; ad Jim Mortimer, Evanstoni. ""Tour" of West to 111Ilustrated Lecture Be *Off ered Nov. î on iEurop~e 17P anned The premiei-e showing cf icolored at Field MI"useu~m rnovies taken in Central Europe this - tour- 'of Amcerica's west. 0on summer, accompanied by a lecture 1w1hich %vill be seen in approximately on "Local,. Peace-International Tur- an hour and twenty miinutes ail of moil," by Edward Helmnund, will be a featurie'0f the Christmas bazaar at henatural wonders which it would the First Methodist church, Evans- +ake a* tourist repeated journeys oftn.WdeayveigNvebr several mwe-ks each' to cover. is Of- 30.'lensa eeig Nvme fered in,-Where the Rainbow Ends," t-t1ii.p il1wtr.aied wth nat Mr. Heýrnitnd' is a Venezuelan. the rn-.lnvmton fcnicturoçstn to b ureseinted Pauw university. Mivss Y oung, a senior,. is' president *of. one of the women' s dormitories. and. a member cf Duzer *Du dramatics honorary. She is on the. YWCA board and a' memnber of-the EdU-cation club. RETUR N. FROM AÀBROAD Mr. and Mre. Charles W. WrigLey. of. 10 Canterbury court Wilmette,. returned home last week on the Europa after >spending two mon11ths motoring through France, Italy, and Switzerland. They were in London for two- weeks. They: went to Europe in Septemfber on the, Norma'ndie, reaching.Franice durinig the midstof the war crisis. Patronize Our Advertisers. lKsSt Just kKUIN3 e lvd.- Ave., THE VILLAGE ýand FARM SCHOOLL For. Children, -."3 0 10 t ETTIE L. JOLHNSTON WANDA ,GREINEISEN 717'Gr..nwood Ave.. in Gloaco. For firforna*Iu--GUENCOE 928 or, wil ce tne jectùrer. is im soin all the hues, shadfings, and lights that make them so irnpressive, the farnous attractions of Yellow-. stone and Rocky Mountain National Parks, the Grand Canyon and Petri- fiedf Forest of Arizona, California's Yosemite Valley w'ith its 4,00-year- old Sequoia trees, the Grand TPeton Mo un t a ins, Wyorning's fantas- tic Devils Tower, the Black His of South Dakota, dances and cere- monials on Indian reservations , and thie war ne went to Mvarid as secre- tary to Sir James Kemnal. Later, during the . dictatorship of General Pilsudski, he spent some time in Poland. He was iniRussia during the Lenin regime, and after the rise of Mustapha Kemal, went to Con- stantinople, where he saw the swift change' in Turkey from the custons' of ancient times to modemn ways of living. Inl recent YevsrMr. Helnuuînd ha iJ1I VWf.monweac.J', aaDinncnivgoae .vt 5 p.. onSunayswi1 be observed and Hollywood..izrfeenbtnidadbdy at Field Museum of -Natura1 His- The trip was a gift to miss Zeil ig rfrshnow leaders o tory, it is announced by Clifford who was an honor student at ew IdtRy r oing theleaersofoceftysanf ..Gregg, director. This schedule 'Trier High school and graduated this famous Spa. A 10-day "Heahh will continues iný effeci until Feb- last June, winning a scholarship. Holiday" at French Lick now wil ruary 28, whenf a longer daily visit- She is contmnuing her studies i cniinyufo h ogwne ing period will be resumnéd. French And histoiry. sm. ondtions ah rT Tnu.sit. Pro..* . K. Dwfrflt )LU. D. E. Manning, Mgr., Chicago Office 221 N. Michigan Ave. ANDover 2223 You'll Be Rewarded Ail Winter re- a