on Next Program for Gamma Phis When the North Shore group of Gammna Phi Beta meets at the home: of Mrs.' P. L. Smith, 219 Sheida rodKenfilworth, at '2 o'clock on Wednesday, Novemn- berý 9, 'for a program tea, they, will be enterltained by two artists,- Miss Kathleen .McKitrlick and Mrs. H. R.,Mathias. Miss' McKitricék, a g raduate of, the Northwestern schoo;l of music, and a Gamma Phi, will present a group of piano numbers including selections from -Bach, Bee thoven, Chopin and some of the modern composers. For. two . years .MISS McKitrick was on, the faculty of the music school at the UJniversity of Kansas, and for four years a member of the music faculty at mng her thirteen months residence abroad, she studied under Matthay of London and she also studied com- position at the Royal College of Mu- sic. in London. She has established a music studio of her own in Chi- cago where she teaches. Miss Mc- Kitrick is well known in Chicago musiec crcles where she does s olo and ensemble work. The second part of the programn North Shore Daughters of the American Revolution and other radio listeners are asked to give special attention to a series of broadcasts, arranged for themn by. the society's state radio ichairmain and national vice-chairman,..Mrs. A. E. .Jenner, Jr., of Chicago, and presented over three different sta-. tions., WBBM (770, kilo.), presents a: new ,womàn's ýseries. every Saturday motrning at 10:45. First' Saturdays of the month :feature a, D. A. R program entirely,çdifferent,- air "hir.- tobrical'almanac," presented in' con-, junction with the Chicago Histor7ical ~society'. This series starts.Saturday, Novemnber 5. Mrs., Jenner piedicts that. it will be filled with unusual itemrs of Ilflnois and, National his- torical significance. WGES, Oak Park, (1310 kilo.) again presents for the D. A. R., a w.ekly advnweçl,,shol. of Armer- icanism every Friday afternoon at 3:45, iristead of at 3:30 as previ- 'ously. This program for patriotic education runs for fifty-two weeks. D. A. R. manuals for prospective citizens are offered on this pro- gram. WJJD (1130 kilo) is offèring a series of historical dramnalogues en- titled "Freedomn On the March." describing development of the Northwest territory. of. .which Ilii- Miss June Whitworth will be hostess for the third fciU meeting of the North Shore club of Phi Beta, national prof essional fra- ternit y of music and dramnatic art Wednesday, Novem ber 9, at 1 o«clock, at her home, 2387 Deere Parke drive, Highland Park. Photo by Carlos De sign Sets for > Rockford's Play Miss Nancy deBeers, daugh.- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. deBeers, of 814 Grove, street, Glencoe., will design the sets for Henrik Ibse n's "Peer ,Gynt" .which will be presented: by the_ DIramatic club at Rockford col- lege on Saturday, Novemnber 19, under 'the direction of Professor Abbie Findlay Potts of, the Eng- lish department. Miss deBeers, who last y:ear de- s igned. Sets for 'Tennyson's "Becket" and for Sir James. Barrie"' Wh Every Woman Knows,- wil also be in the.dance group for this first dra- mnatic production of the year 'at Rockford.. 11The role of the Green-clad Woman will be played by Miss Donna Web- ster, daughter of Mr. and M rs. Rich- ard B. Webster of 1214 Lake avenue, Wiimetté. A junior at Rockford this year, Miss Webster has been promn- inent in dramatic circles at the col- lege. Last term she played in Pinero's "Trelawny of the Wells." Another Wilmette girl, Miss Fran, ces Rapp, dauglter of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Rapp of 406 'Park avenue, will play the part of the Troll Maiden in herseif to sculpturi'ng, which she studied under Archipenko,. Nancy Coonsman Hahn, and Warner Wil- liams. Mrs. Mathias will give an infor- mai talk on sculpturing, ai-d will display somfe o& ber finished pieces, and. wilI show the molds and tools and explain the yarious steps from the beginning to the finished piece. Following the program, tea will fourth Mondays of the *month at- national supremacy. The tirnielines 1: 30 o'clock. The Chicago and 'North Shore of Ibsen's play is indicated by the November 14, the play will be Vassar clubs are comnbining in hav- number of productions given in the entitled "Qed Beyond the Moun- ing a luncheon meeting to be held last few years. It provides oppor- tains." Tities of some of the future at Vassar bouse Saturday, Novem7 tunîty for music and the dance, as pregrans' are, -Every Man a ber 19, at 1 o'cloclc, te hear a trus- well as for acting and stagesetting,, ]King,"~ "Land of the Free," and tee of Vassar college, Mrs. Helen making it especially effective as -a "Coming of the Law.", North Narten of Cleveland, attempt vehicie for college dramatic groups. to bring local alumnae up to date Mrs. Jenner says. this series on "Vassar News ThrQugh the Eyes should interest every American, and Ears of a Trustee.- particularly those in the Mid-west.,, , ,-.. Mrs. Roy Watson of i±vans freshments; Mrs. L,, E. Oli Evanston, cards and tables. com-ý vans- and re- nt of ony. of the National, England Wornen. -j. . ussrzi unzeueon t Is Press asso- York City. His talk, to be given be follewed by bridge anid games for Yoan's club, at the home of Mrs. Jack V. Spach- ail members. Assisting Mrs. Gubbins e Chicago col- ner in Highland Park; will be pre- Wilî be Mrs. Allen 'A. Wright, Mrs. )ciety of New ceded by a piano program and .fôl- Joseph) E. Fitch, and Mrs. Harold A. lowed by tea.Wisn WILMETTE LIFE