Ei«r Borrud of'Deerfil.,Wis.. announces the engag ement of: his sister, Louise Borrud", of Mînne- apolis, to Ray PearceDunn, soni (if Mr. and Mrs. WiZUamf Earle Dunn of 225,Dupee-place, Wil- mette. Miss Borruci has attended the Minnea polis School of Art, and Mr. Dunn, a graduate of New Trier High school and' Purdue univIersityj, is an.asistant -on -th~e facliltv of the University of Min nesota while he is studying for his Master's dègree. His uork for his degree u'il be eonpleted, in the spring. Invitations 0Qut, for Johnson-Cori issued invitations to the marriage 1 Orja Glenwood Corns,'Jrý.. of! Wilvnette and New York City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orja G. Corns' of 1121 Chestnut avenue, Wil-l mette, on Saturday afternôon , November 12, at '4 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. S. S. Simmermaný in Wvtheville. Mrs.~ W. J. l(enney entertained a niumber of her friends from Chi- cago at a luncheon. at her home, 1045. Chestniut avenue,. recently, in hono.r of Mrs. W. J.> Kenney, Jr. northérn 1 Mothers Club Meets The Mother's club of St. Josephs schl WiIl hold a regular monthly AdMrCeeLeu meetting in the school:hall at 8;o'- Ad ayCrn ég ' cdock F riday evening,- November, 4. Members -of the Kenilworth group Al mothers 0 f pupils are urged to of the Mary-Crane league were en- be present. Wednesday, November tertained at luncheon last Friday at 9, the club1 will sponsor a card and the home of Mrs., Glenn. O. Sensiba, bunco party :atý the 'séhool.: 737 Cumrnngs._a venue, 'Kenilworth. with pride Steve 'ns present.s Alexandra de Markcoff facial preparations 4 e new Sà lad mBowi. Hat Baor It's a pert upturned hat of Tweed fRuff, new ahddé- cidedly sma rk,- just another exampie of what good look- ing hafs youýlII find at the Hat, Bar for such very little moniey -this one Ht. Bar Hats $2.95 and $3.95 spe ciat introducfory offer ence Jonig Iu-t stimulation cream loundation cream Tço, EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. EndnEdgaàr ASeens, mc.ol Evansfon