which are fellowship gatherings for ail members and friends of the paris. j r. and Mrs. Clayton B. Burch of Winnetka, accompanied-,by Mrs Mrs, Aber Kote, 54 Grenw d Burch's brother, and sister-in.law, Mrs Aler Kote 54 Geeno0 Mr., and Mrs. Albert D. Williams 6if avenue, Kenilworth, mnotored te De- Lake Forest, have just returneci troit. last week-end, with her two fromi a week's trip te New York. children, Carol and Lester, te v isit, They attended the Yale-Dartmouth her brother,, HarrySirnonton. ga me. d 4. -t j' black .suede Definitely new! Defini+tely chic!, c orkscrew 'Round and 'round 1hey g o, these amusng new he el1s on style-con-' sciaus Jacquelin shoes., They're thbe smartest: 1hing out and you'Ilt like 1hem on, your walkng. shoes or on your af1ernoon shoes. v I-way lastex back panel, 1.5 EDGAR A. .STEVEN Sg, Ic. £va nsfonEDGAR A. STEVENS, mnc. vn -Evansfon, Evansfon