-Accordlflg to Falth' WWf be the theme of the pastor's sermon for Sunday morn- ing, Novembr 6. You are lnvited to share in the entire service whlch begins1 with the ,Musical. preparation at 10:45 o'clock. There is a nurseryr wheX7e parents may leav e small. chldren during the worship p eriod. The special Music for next Suniday Will be asfollows: Organ <10:45): ."Pastorale-- ,"ndante"............. Renberg'er Marie Briel Introit: "TÉe Lord is in lHts Holy Temple"...... .......HirrlgtOfl Anthem: "The Lord is Exalted' .................... West Qffertory Solo: Orgari Postlude: "«Fugue"...... .......... Rheinberger The 'Church school is held Sunday <orninIks at 9:30. o'clock. ThetasH West .ls the general superintendent. There are classes for ail ages. from the . nursery ta the aduit department, andi new enroliments -may be made at any time. All of aur young people are invited to share -in the Sunday evening meetings foryori.pepl.The High School Ep- worth league invites thosé 'of ta ge ta meet with themn at. 6 o'clock. Theta Upsilon 'Rho, which meets at the samne hour, is for young peaple of college age and aider. The National Stewardship convention at the Stevens hotel, closes tanight <Thursday). Prominent leaders among Protestants, Catholics, 'and Jews are participatiflg. There will be a special Methodis.t section this afternoon. at 2 ,o'clock. ae In z- P5OOiuptW On Monday November 7. the Board elf Triustees wilfméee at the church, 8 o'clock.« Financial reports for the first haIt of thie fiscal year will be. presented. Ail memrbers are urgently requested to be, present. On Tuesday, November 8. the Womnan's Mission Union mneets at, the Fnglewood Baptist' church il1 a.m. and 1:30 ýp.m. "ridge, Building in Ilinois' 'will, be:the' themneof Mrs. Claire G. ChanidIer in the mnorning *Èession. In t he afternoon a feature will be a pageant: '"Beneath the Cross of Jesus.' The Board of Djeaicons will:,meet in, the, Gulid roomn of the church on Wednes- day evenilg at 8 'clock. Report on the state of the church will be made by the pastor. Candidates f or mnembership are invlted ta attend. Our Boys' choir of eighteen voices' made their irst appearance on Sunday Iàst anld tdded t the dignity and-beaut~y of the worship. These boys rehearse on Thursdays at 4 o'clock. The Girls' choir meets Saturday mornings at 9:30. The Senior Chorus meetq Thursday evenings. First, Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue Jamnes T. Veneklasen. miniýter. "Even Unto Bloôd.": will be the theme of the sermon Pt the morn4ng worship service at il o'clock Sunday mornling. We cordially invite you ta worship wvith US. St.Autgusstiné's Rev. Hubert Carleton;' rector Rev. Chandler Sterling, assistant 21ST:SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8 a.m.............. Holy communion, 9.45 a.m...... .......... Church* achool il a.m .......... .... ioly Communion and sermon; Rev. Hubert Carletoni. 7 ýp.mi ...... ..Young, PeQ.ple's meeting The women of the Associated, Guilds of St. Augustine's will- meet Friday, No'vemn ber A, at the Womnans club wihere there will be sewing for St. Mary's Home.. Everyone is urged to corne and offer'aur help' for this worthwhile,, effort. 1 1 The Church Club of Chicago will wel- corne the retura of'Bishop George Craigi Stewart at a.banquet at the Hotel Sher- mad .Monday.evening, Novemnber 7. This is te be bis flrst appeaIrance since bis serious Illness of last summrer, and many are expectedi to be present Those wish- ing ta *attend, should cal the rector at th eir earliest convenience ta secure reser- vations. Several of aur parishioflers have already secured their tickets for aur St. Augusti'ne's table. Plans have been cornplèted for a Parish D1iiènet0' b# teld Nver4er 14 (Mondiay), at the Masonic temple. This evening is to be devoted ta the stimula- tion of the parish spirit and the making of new acquaintances. At thWs time there wvill be held a reception for The Rev. Chandler Sterling and Mrs. Sterling, ta introduce them toalal members and friends of the parish. A novel program, ,has' been arranged including popular and light classical organ music, plus the col- lective vocal attempts of ail who will be present. This will be a parish gathering Aong ta be remembered for its informai-, ity and 'prevalent good feling. Beverly Shea. Ail North Shore résidents are cordially invited to hear Mel Trotter in this special sertes. St. John'sLutheran J. 'H. Gockel, pastorý SERVICES W: 15 a.m.-First service. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school and, Bible 10: 40 a.m.-~Preparatory servie- foi- Holy Communion. 10:55 a.rn.-Sund.ay. schoal ciass. for children of three ta five years. il a..m.-Second servýice, with Holy Commnfionl. 8 p.m.ýEveling. servic e. In the morning services theê sermnon, wil! be based an Matthew 22:23-33, the story of Jesus- ancY--the Sadducees Who sought ta ridicule, the Idea of a bodily resurrection., Special attention will be givjen Jesus' replyà "Ye do er r, flot knowiflg the Seriptures nor the power.of God," Theme: . O'ur Ihope of ,a Bodils Resu rrection." The evening service wlll continue the observance of the Reformation festival. Luther and hisbold .oanfession.at Wor in 1521 suggest the text Hebrew,\s 10:23: "Let us hold fast the profession of owr faith without wavering: for God is faith- fui that promised." You are cordialI.- invited ta attend this service iwhich be- gins at 8 o'clock. Announcernents for Holy Communion in the il o'clock service wiil be received at the parsoflage on FridayXfrom 1 ta 8 p.. The Ladies' Aid society is servinga Harvest Home dinner next Thursday, .November 10, from 5:30 ta 7:30 p.m .Reservation may be iade by calling Mrs., Bleser at Wilmette 1833 or Mrs. v~ -hn tUnvrst 7T..,,475'7. AmstUtz. w1i 'peaI¶ i i r V i Singapore. The Fourth division. is spo)nsoring' a Silver Tea at the home of Mrs. Franklin, P. Williams, 121 Robsart road, Kenil- worth, tomorrow (Friday> from 2 ta 5 'clock. AIl members and friends are, cordially invited to attend. The Junior choir meets for rehearsal Saturday mornings at 9:30 o'ciockunder the 'direction of Miss Marie Briel. Ad. ditional voices will be welcomed. Mrs. Fiýke, and the cluoir; "01V. ,1-() U.Oe bcpresezat tu 'civ nis.- tLui. Our 'Help in .Aees Past." West.. Edwa'rd whîch bas praven in the past to be of a Otis. soloilst; organ postlude. "March in most helpful and' beneficial nature. C," Valenti. Tuesday evening, November 8, at '8 Our Junior church will take care of o'clock, following choir practice, the the children during the, morniflg worship Junior Brotherhood of St. Andrew is ta' period 'at il o'clock. have.- its service of induction~ into the ThePasor s las fo thse howish rder. George Kubitz,' diocesan secre- ThpePasr'scs for thoc mnis ho til ary of the Brotherhaod, will be present t prep :3re 'fchuch ebesiPw that evening. The service will be held in meetat :30 'clck.the church. Everyone is asked ta be The Sunday schaal meets in all depart- peet __ ments at 9:30 o'clock. A meeting of the Acolytes is schédu led 1 for hrldav pvening, ,(tonight) Novemn- Sunday' school staff. F'riclay, 8 P.M. Junior Walther league, Friday, 8 p.mn. Children's Christian er1Ucation classes, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.:, Wednesday, 4 pa., Senior Walther' league. Sunday, 5:3() p.mn.; supper at 7. Voting members, Tuesday. 8 p.M. Evening circle. Tuesday. .8 p.m., with Miss Lucille Kissner. 73 4 Arbor avenue, Glenview. Young Mothers circle, 1'ùesday, 8 p.m.. with Mrs. K. Knobel. 1431 Central avenue. Tomnorrow (Friday) evening, a social pary for the adults of the congregation wIlbe conducted by the Cou ples' class. This gathering will bevery informai and the newcozners among us are especlallyr invted t6 be our guets. Irrank Guthridge Our Wednesday Evening Bible hour 7: will be held Wednesday evening at 8 Trrol o'clock. We are studying a course on 1201 "K.now Your Bible," and we invite you er to be with us. Mr. atu: Er eNe igh orh od H-ouse will hold Its - ay, anraiemgollsjtrtio I rday 4ven ig 6Nomer11. tSup p ' il0w meper wlll be servd inC 6olokand the pogamn ll olo At. [atz auditorium, (Friday nig unity church uchool buildirý service there will be stir-i -Pastor as soon as possible. ;s 'The Church council will mheet next Tuesday eVening at 8 'o' dock. g On Wednesday evening;, November 9., et