and Educafor on Graduate Col- * loe Series Raymnond Moley, editor of "News- _Week" 'and professor of public law at Columbia university, will lecture at Skokie school auditorium, Wini-ý netka, Wednesday evening, Novem- ber 9, ýat 8:15 o'clock. P roàf e àssoôr MoIey, famhiliar to ail Amrnei- cans as, one. of t h e outstand- ig figures in Washington dur- ing the earlier years of the pres-: e nt administra- tion, will .discuss t he s ub je ct, ltaymorid NIoley 'Where Business and *Governmènt Meet." Ai S Jzolassp FudI This is the second of a series of lectures sponsored by the Graduate Teachers college of Winnetka,, and given for the, benéfit of the school's scholarship fund. The first lecture. xvas given recently by Alexander Woolicott. Tickets for this lecture may be ob- tained by communicating with Mrs. Charles Yeomans (Winn. 565) or Mrs. MVorton Cahn (Winn. 1418. Professor TVTriIv af ter servine How t. Mark Ballot Miss Dornthy Vollman. (le! t), 1127 Central aven ue,a new voter this fait and a Wilmptte business girl, is shown receiving information1 on how to mark a. ballot properly, from Mrs. Ross Moyer <center), 1127 Greenwood avenue, and Mrs. F. ;W. Merrifield (right), 1014 Elmwood avenue, members of the Wilmette Lea pue of Women Voters assisting at th e voters' information booth beinq conducted, byj the orqaniza*tion at Wilson's bakerii. 1162 Wilmette avenue. Ope*ned for the flrst Urne last Studoy, ijt will reopn from. 8:30 Lo -3 .o'cLock SaturayqjNovembe 5, and from 10 o'clock in the morning to 4 o'clock Monday, November 7. Mrs. Merrifield is président of the Wilmette League of Women V'oters. and Mrs. Moyer, the chairman of the booth, under the sponsorship of the Government and Its Opera- tions committee of the league, of election information. Operation of which Mrs. W. B. Cobb of Winnetka is chairman. Displayed in the pie- Church Leaders Attend Conference in Chicago Bishop Ernest Lynn Waldorf, of the Chicago Area of the Methodist EpiscoDal church. who is a resid-nt. of Wilmette, wiII preside at the Methodist Section of the National Stewardsbip confe-rence in sess ion N'nvemhc'r 3.4 and 5. at the+l.v pnq~ym cuBs Su Doors P. M. Dr. Preston Bradley, minister of the famous People's church ini ahi- cago, will.prýesent the second of this season' s programs of the New Trier S3unday Evening club.- Dr.ý Bradley has postponed the, opening of evening Services 'àt his own church this season for one week to permit him. té keep 'the' engage- ment with the Sunday Evenilng club. His subjeet, Sunday night will. be, "Facing thie Future." WelI Known Author Dr. Bradley, -i additionto being, one of the outstanding orators of -the, times, is the author of -several Weil- known books, amnong. themf "Courage for Today" (1934), "Mastery of Fear" (1935), and "Power From Right Thinlking" (1936). He founded the People's church in 19-12 ant e new 750>,OO0 diftte wi erected in 1925. Hif radio audience each Sunday nunibers millions of people in ail parts of the country. He is almost constantly in demand for speaking engagements. HeId at Jllgh School Prograrns of the Sunday Evening club are held ini the auditorium of New Trier High school and are open to the public, without admission. The one huncireci ays' Congress in thne spring 0f that year, when Congress formulated the main body of Iegisla- tion now known. as the New Deal. He served as'liaison officer between the President and the American dele>- gation to the Economic anld Monetary Conferenice in London, Becomes Editor He resigned his position with the government e to assume the editorshir ~AstQry on~ the activities of the Canada. Wilmette Welfare board's work in Dr. Horace G. Smith, president of 1Iast week's WILMETTE LIFE was at- Garrett Biblical Institute, a n d tributed to Mrs. Morgan Buford. form.erly pastor of the Wilmette Mrs. Donald H. Maxwell was the Parish Methodist church, will parfi- author. cipate in the program. Army of 464 Republican Women on Job to Get Out Record V ote Open Red Cross Drive in Kenilworth Nov, il Mrs. Homer Johnson, -Mrs. John. Nuveen and Mrs. John A. Clements have been appointed to serve on a committee ini charge of the Red Cross fund campaign in Kenilworth this fali. A meeting of the commit- tee was held iast Friday mornig to discuss plans for the coming drive We can accomplish this if you want us i o. Do you? -J. A. A. Note: Economny Shop is conducted. by the Woman's 'Club of Wlmette. Proceedr, are directed to philanthropie' purposeés. authorized- credentials, they have watchers at every pollig place in the township to check the vote and (Coi>tinued on page 24) To place a Want Ad call WINNITKA 2000 WILMjITI 4300 ve4AAer 4, Ii me wurnette vinAage hall, at 8 o'clock. J. G. McKibb.n of Waàkegan, formerly of Wilmette, wil fi11 a return. engagement as speaker.. The. public' is iited.,