h Street WILME Sunday Services-i i a.m. ýWe dne sday-Testimonial Meetin-8.. Apamn Sunday School ExercIses-ý-9 :45 ar., NovEm BER 20, 1938 Subject: SOUL, AND BODY READING ROOM - i i, Central I t Open I)ailv: (except Wednesday);9 A.M. to 6 >M WedneÉday 9 A.M.to 8z4 5 P. N. S;iturday 9 A.M. to,9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary*,Baker Eddy, -and ail other autlitrized> Christian- Science Literature may be read, ho*rrowcd or purchased at the Read'ng Room. THE PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY, INVXTED TO ATTEN1 D TUF CfIURC.H SERVICE AND VISIT TEEF READING ROONI I Dr. R. Il Ienderson ini charge. Monday, November 21- 1 to 4 p.m. X,' Chest clinic. Dr. Julius Novak. Medical Director, Chicago Tuber- culosis Institute. Tuesdlay, Novemnber 22-9 to 12,a.m. Hoadsehool dental clinie. Dr. f Paul , Bass, Mrs. E.Stka Wednesday, November 23-9 to 12 arn. New Trier High: séhoal dentýal clinic.ý. Dr. E. Christie, Mrs. L. Bliss, RN Wednesday, Novbe 23-ý2 to4 ew MN. G. Shaw, p ediatric ian. in ______________ThrsdyNovember 24-9 to 12 November Bride a. rn. St Joseph s ceh o o 1 dental clinic. Dr. G. Chinnock. Missý R. A white satin goutvn worn twith, Hansen, R. N. a. floor length tulle ileïl held in 'Thursday, Noverrber 24-2 to 4 place 61j a coronet of ftnch roses - p.rn. Eye cli in i c, children and aias the wedding costume of Miss 1dults. Dr. R. *H. Hendersoii in Enma Bourdeau of 7ake Lindep. charge. FMich., who was married to August. DéVoegh4'aof 512 Green ay r.oad. Keytilworth. Novemnber 5, Evanston: Thé Rev. J. A. Neumnr wvill officiate at the services, with o 1The ceremony took. place at St. reception following at the home of Joseph's church in Wilmette and was tebie. followed by a wedding supper at the Miss Boll xiii have as her maid home of the briiiegroom's uncle and1 of honor, Theresa Barg, sister or- aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verstraete the. bridegroom. Miss Catherine of Keriilworth. Schopen of Wdrrmette, cousin cf. he Mr. and Mrs. DeVooght are at home bride, and Miss Dorothy Sibley cf at,.945 Chicago avenue. Evanston. I hcgwl ebiesrnaids. Little _______________ .!Arlene Steffens, daughter of Mr. and ý; M rionBol to ecorè- Mrs. Peter Steffens of Wiltette, and i~~~~~~~ MioBoltBeoe csnof. the bride, is te be flower- Bride of 'Bernard Bari giBruIboterofIte r0e Miss Marion Boll, daughter of Mr. Carl ol r1e ftebie and Mrs. Williamn'BolI, 1505 Wilmette will act as best mani, with Joseph avenue., will be married this Satur- Barg, Jr., and Raymond Barg, day afternoen at 4:30 o'clock at St. ushering for their brother. Joseph's church te Bernard Barg, SeveraI showers have been given son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barg of for the bride. HEADQUARTERS FOR DISTINCTIVE GIFTS 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE